Can I still wear braces after the age of 40? Doctor: "Periodontal health" is more important than age

Can I still wear braces after the age of 40? Doctor: "Periodontal health" is more important than age

With the evolution of the times, modern people are becoming more aware of oral health and beauty. For many people with irregular teeth, due to different family economic circumstances, not everyone can get good oral care during childhood. When they grow up, , in order to make myself laugh, I worked hard to save money, but found that I seemed to have missed the golden period of correction. Is there still a chance to have good teeth? Dr. Xu Cijuan, an orthodontist at Chengxin Dental Clinic in Kaohsiung, said that in fact, there is no strict age limit for orthodontics. Correction can still be performed even after the age of 40. The key lies in the health of the “periodontal”.

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“Periodontal health is good, and there are no strict restrictions on orthodontics.” Xu Cijuan shared that she once met an 82-year-old grandmother in the clinic who came with her daughter for orthodontic consultation. Almost all of her teeth were still healthy, and her periodontal health was also maintained. She is in pretty good condition and has no osteoporosis or systemic diseases. She only has mildly uneven teeth in her mouth. After a professional overall assessment, she was fitted with braces to realign the uneven teeth. Successfully helped grandma’s teeth regain their straight appearance.

Compared with teenagers, middle-aged people often have chronic systemic diseases or special medications, and “overall health factors” must be taken into consideration when making corrections. Xu Cijuan pointed out that osteoporosis is common in postmenopausal women, especially , if you are using osteoporosis drugs, you need to carefully evaluate before correction. The reason is that the process of tooth movement involves the absorption and metabolism of bones. Therefore, if you want to correct the teeth and jaws, the doctor must make an overall assessment of the body’s Systemic conditions are considered together.

Further reading: Does periodontal disease affect more than just rotten teeth? The risk of heart disease may double! Doctors reveal this is the correct way to take care of your mouth

Both situations are not suitable for correction. In such situations, early intervention is required.

“The gums are inflamed and the alveolar bones are damaged, causing the teeth to shake.” Xu Cijuan said that if these two signs of periodontal disease appear, it is not recommended to perform orthodontics immediately, because if there is incomplete periodontal inflammation in the mouth, Rushing to perform orthodontic treatment before ruling out the problem will aggravate inflammation and damage caused by periodontal disease. If you really want to undergo correction, the patient will be advised to undergo periodontal treatment first, and then conduct follow-up evaluations after stabilizing control.

As for the appropriate age for full mouth correction? Xu Cijuan said that it is generally recommended to conduct full-mouth correction evaluation after growth and development is completed, usually around 16 to 18 years old. However, some cases require early interventional treatment, such as impacted permanent teeth, malocclusion of front teeth, or severe cases. Protruding teeth cause “injurious bites”, etc. In these cases, early intervention is necessary for “early correction”.

Further reading: Bad breath is not only related to anger! Doctor: The combination of “3 symptoms” may be a precursor to periodontal disease

The main complaints of orthodontic treatment are very different in different age groups!

Although correction can be performed as long as the periodontal health is healthy, Dr. Xu Cijuan observed in the clinic that different age groups have different purposes for correction. “Messy teeth and protruding teeth” are the reasons why most teenagers come to the clinic for orthodontic evaluation. As for middle-aged and older people, Most of the young people who undergo orthodontics are referred by denture dentists. They may have had malocclusion or messy teeth, which is not conducive to the production of dentures. They hope that the teeth can be arranged neatly to facilitate the production of dentures and make cleaning easier.

“The treatment plan will be adjusted according to the patient’s chief complaint.” Xu Cijuan mentioned that she usually communicates with the patient to understand his purpose of correction, and only after a series of examinations can a customized treatment plan be provided. Many people will ask how long correction will take. It is mainly related to the treatment plan. Whether the teeth are extracted and the use of bone nails will all affect it. Generally speaking, the jawbone of teenagers is more elastic and the teeth usually move faster. As for middle-aged people, , the treatment schedule will need to be adjusted on a rolling basis based on the periodontal condition.

“Whether you are a teenager or an adult undergoing correction, you must be careful about cleaning.” Xu Cijuan emphasized that, especially middle-aged people, their gums will recede slightly as they age. If they do not clean well during the correction process, they will If periodontal disease occurs, there may be severe gum inflammation or even alveolar bone destruction. In severe cases, the braces may even need to be removed first and the periodontal condition must be controlled before orthodontic treatment can be restarted. No one wants to end up in this situation. Therefore, after wearing braces, be sure to maintain good oral hygiene.

Extended reading: Can straightening teeth make you beautiful and slim your face? Doctors reveal 4 major myths: As soon as the braces are removed, the original shape may be revealed

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