Can I still use my lipstick if it "sweats"? Experts answer common "3 major myths": Don't throw it away yet!

Can I still use my lipstick if it "sweats"? Experts answer common "3 major myths": Don't throw it away yet!

With the advent of the post-epidemic era, as masks are gradually loosened, the first thing for many women is to restore the makeup they used to wear on their faces, among which “lipstick” is the most popular. In addition to improving the color of your lips and showing your good complexion, lipstick can also become a fashion indicator. The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration and Associate Professor Wu Bixuan of the Department of Cosmetic Science of Jingyi University reminded female friends of the precautions for the use and storage of lipstick.

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Among all cosmetics, lipstick can be said to be timeless. Applying lipstick can instantly improve your complexion and make you energetic; you can also use lipsticks of different textures and styles to change the style of your makeup. Therefore, lipstick has always been an indispensable item in many women’s bags. Associate Professor Wu Jixuan said that the main ingredients of lipstick are wax oil, colorants, antioxidants, and preservatives. In addition, manufacturers will also add flavors, mica powder, emulsifiers, stabilizers, sweeteners, saccharin, etc. based on product claims or needs. .

Associate Professor Wu Jixuan explained that the stratum corneum of the lips is only 1/3 as thick as the stratum corneum of normal skin and has no sebaceous glands, so it cannot secrete oil to protect the lips. Therefore, in addition to adjusting the color of the lips, the oils in the lipstick ingredients can also moisturize the lips and prevent dryness and cracks. It is recommended to apply a layer of lip balm before applying lipstick to increase the moisture on the lip surface, make the lipstick easier to apply, and reduce friction on the lips.

As for the dazzling array of lipsticks on the market, how do you choose the right one? The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds you that when purchasing lipstick, you should choose products with complete labels and avoid products from unknown origins, unclear labels, or exaggerated products, so that you can buy with peace of mind and wear them with confidence.

Can I still use my lipstick if it “sweats”? Experts remind 3 principles to avoid getting wet

Many female friends found that the lipstick “sweated” the moment they opened it, with water droplets of varying sizes condensing on the surface. Can lipstick still be used under such circumstances? Associate Professor Wu Jixuan pointed out that “lipstick sweating” is a common phenomenon that often occurs when the ambient temperature changes. Especially in Taiwan, summer is hot, so it is easy for lipstick paste to become soft and deformed.

Associate Professor Wu Jixuan suggested that the lipstick should be placed in a sheltered and closed space, such as a drawer, and ensure that the temperature of the place is not too high to maintain the stability of the lipstick product. In addition, if the lipstick sweats, after cleaning your hands, gently wipe the emerging oil back onto the lipstick body before use.

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Associate Professor Wu Jixuan said that non-smudged and non-stick lipsticks have become popular in the market in recent years, mainly because the formula uses volatile oils. If this type of lipstick is exposed to the outside for a long time, the oil in the lipstick will evaporate and it will easily become Dry and difficult to apply.

In addition, if the formula contains a lot of natural oils, such as almond oil, avocado oil, shea butter, etc., due to its “unsaturated double bond” characteristics, it is easy to cause oily smell. At this time, if the texture does not change significantly and it is within the expiration date, it can still be used. Associate Professor Wu Jixuan recommends that lipsticks should not be stored in places that are easily exposed to sunlight to avoid increasing the rate of oil evaporation and producing the smell of oil consumption.

Wearing lipstick every day will make your lips darker and darker, which is one of the common questions and myths among people. If the lipstick contains pigments, will the lip color really become darker with regular use? Associate Professor Wu Jixuan explained that if the lipstick is not removed completely, it may lead to residual pigment. It is recommended to pay attention to daily makeup removal and cleaning procedures to avoid lipstick pigmentation.


Drug and Food Safety Weekly Issue 916 - Is the lipstick sweating? Can it still be used? Drug and Food Safety

Weekly Issue 916 - Masks are loosened, and choosing lipstick becomes a lesson?

Further reading:

If I have multiple masks and rapid screening tests at home, can I sell them online? Taiwan Food and Drug Administration warns: If you violate the law, you may be imprisoned for three years and fined tens of millions of dollars.

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