What should I pay attention to before and after vaccination? Adjust your diet to reduce side effects? Nutritionists remind you to eat less of 3 red-light foods


Have you been vaccinated? In order to increase vaccine coverage for Taiwanese people as soon as possible, the command center has launched an “online vaccination appointment registration” system. It has been piloted in Kinmen, Matsu, and Penghu, and is expected to open to the ninth and tenth categories of vaccinations. As more and more people get vaccinated, the precautions before and after vaccination are also the focus of public attention. Manman nutritionists also shared on social media the dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes after vaccination, which can help alleviate the discomfort caused by side effects.

Avoid fasting before vaccination and adjust your diet in 3 ways to slow down side effects

Manman nutritionist first reminded of the precautions “before vaccination”. The first is to avoid fasting as much as possible. The vaccination requires commuting, evaluation and observation by medical staff, which may take a lot of time. If you are afraid of getting hungry while waiting, you can eat something at home and drink 250-300 ml of water before going out; Second, you need to maintain a normal schedule the night before the vaccine is administered. According to recent relevant research, administering the vaccine with adequate sleep can effectively increase the protective power of the vaccine.

Side effects such as headache, fever, muscle aches or diarrhea may begin to occur 2 weeks after vaccination. Manman nutritionists suggest that you can get through the discomfort caused by side effects through appropriate dietary adjustments at this time:

First, supplement with foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. For example, fish is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and fish is also rich in protein, which can not only reduce the body’s inflammatory response, but also help restore physical strength. Manman nutritionists recommend taking in at least one palm-sized portion of protein food with each meal, which will be helpful to the body.

Second, consume at least 3 kinds of vegetables and 2 kinds of fruits every day. There are vitamin C and phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables, which can enhance the body’s antioxidant capacity; and according to American research, eating more antioxidant fruits and vegetables is beneficial to preventing viruses and reducing mortality.

Third, drink plenty of water every day. Manman nutritionists remind that the body loses water quickly in summer, so you should maintain about 250 to 300 ml of water every hour, and the total water intake is about 40 (ml) multiplied by body weight. However, it should be noted that patients with symptoms related to heart disease, kidney disease or liver cirrhosis need to limit their drinking water and mainly follow the amount recommended by their doctor.

Having been vaccinated does not mean that eating the “Mediterranean diet” of Invincible Stars can maintain protection.

After receiving the vaccine, it does not mean that you have eaten the “Invincible Star”, nor does it mean that you will never be infected with the virus. Therefore, protection should continue to be maintained even after vaccination. Manman nutritionists suggest that you can choose the “Mediterranean diet” for your diet. The dietary principles are based on a large amount of fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish and beans. It is a good diet for improving physical health. Furthermore, you can also spend more time in the sun on the balcony or window at home, supplement vitamin D, and develop exercise habits to improve your protection. Finally, because 70% of immune cells are around the intestines, keeping the intestines healthy The health of the road environment is also very important. Ingesting enough probiotics and prebiotics can improve the function of the digestive tract and also help improve immunity.

In addition, Manman nutritionists cited three “red light foods” that should be avoided during vaccination: red meat (pig, beef, sheep), refined starch and processed food. Because these three foods are high in saturated fat and high in sugar, they can easily cause inflammation in the body and hinder the recovery of health, so it is better to eat them less often.

Finally, we would like to remind the public that the main function of the vaccine is to reduce severe illness and mortality. It does not mean that there is no risk of infection after being vaccinated. Therefore, after being vaccinated, you still have to stay at home and continue to wear a mask and exercise frequently. Wash your hands and other habits, and do not “unblock yourself” when traveling or moving. After all, the vast majority of people have not yet been vaccinated. In order to protect yourself and others, reducing movement and maintaining social distance are indispensable epidemic prevention awareness at this stage.

Source: Nutrition Manman Talk-Manman Nutritionist

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