Do I need to grind my teeth for ceramic veneers? Is the risk of tooth decay high? Doctor: If you don't take good care of it, you still need a root canal!

Do I need to grind my teeth for ceramic veneers? Is the risk of tooth decay high? Doctor: If you don't take good care of it, you still need a root canal!

Dental beauty is one of the most important external appearances for modern people. Showing “bright and flawless” teeth will greatly help your self-confidence and appearance. However, due to uneven tooth color caused by nature, tooth decay, external factors, etc., or because they want to pursue the ultimate aesthetics of their dentition, many people will choose porcelain dental veneers. However, many people are worried that they may need to “grind their teeth”. The more teeth are worn down, the smaller they become and there will be no more usable teeth in the future. Dr. Wang Baichan, director of Baili Dental Clinic, pointed out that grinding teeth is not necessary to make ceramic veneers. The key lies in whether the thickness of the teeth and veneers can be closely combined, and the health of the oral cavity.

The two mainstream materials each have their own advantages! Need to choose according to tooth condition

Many people are worried that the material of the whitening patch will damage the teeth. In fact, the material of the ceramic patch usually becomes more transparent and the strength will decrease accordingly. Dr. Wang Baizhen said that the current mainstream is lithium disilicate, which has both aesthetics and transparency. Its shape-forming properties can not only be used for front tooth aesthetics, as a filling after tooth decay, but also for 3D tooth carving. Compared with traditional resin, which may cause gaps between teeth after thermal expansion and contraction in the mouth, thereby increasing the incidence of secondary tooth decay; lithium disilicate can be used as a “jigsaw puzzle” to fill the gaps between teeth, reducing the risk of tooth decay. Risks occur.

Zirconium dioxide is widely used as a material for posterior dentures. Although its transparency and aesthetics are not as good as the above two materials, it can still maintain the same color as real teeth. Dr. Wang Baichan explained that zirconium dioxide plays a certain role in improving the aesthetics of the oral cavity, and its strong and durable properties allow patients to use their teeth with confidence when chewing.

Do ceramic veneers require teeth grinding? Doctor: Material and tooth condition are the key!

Before receiving a ceramic veneer treatment, the question that beauty lovers are most concerned about is often “whether their teeth need to be repaired.” Dr. Wang Baichan gave the answer: “It depends on the condition of the teeth and the materials used.” Before the treatment, the doctor will first know the patient’s oral condition through instrument examination, combined with big data analysis and digital simulation to perform preparatory work. Create your own “Digital Smile Curve DSD” (Digital Smile Design). Based on the reports provided by big data analysis, doctors and patients can know the extent of tooth grinding or whether teeth need to be adjusted.

Dr. Wang Baizhen mentioned that the current conventional veneer thickness is 0.7mm. If it is a healthy tooth, it needs to be polished for various reasons. Since the amount of polishing falls between 0.3 mm and 0.7mm, it is almost imperceptible, so it will not occur. Sensitive teeth, nerve inflammation, etc. However, if the tooth itself has been decayed or has even undergone root canal treatment, in this case, it must undergo a composite treatment to ensure that the strength and thickness of the patch are sufficient. , and durable.

It doesn’t mean you are invincible just because you have a “patch”! Pay attention to your diet and cleanliness

“Ceramic veneers are not a golden ticket to avoid tooth decay. On the contrary, you have to worry about cleaning after applying them. There is no direct connection between tooth decay and veneers. The key lies in oral care.” Wang Baichan emphasized that after the veneers are applied, the cheeks of the teeth will be connected. The sides will also be taped. If there is tooth decay, it will start from the adjacent surface or the back. The treatment method will be from back to front. Therefore, you can still smile without leaving a trace. However, if the tooth decay is severe, it will need to be penetrated. Root canal treatment is the only way to deal with it, and it is very likely that you will have to switch from veneers to dentures, which will cost you a lot more.

Dr. Wang Baichan reminds you to pay attention when brushing your teeth. The reason is that after the patch, some of the gum will still be exposed. Although it is more difficult to brush the patch into damage due to excessive cleaning, the gum is likely to be damaged due to excessive cleaning. Injuries caused by improper force. Finally, it is important to clean teeth regardless of whether they have veneers or not, but should be done at all times.

Further reading:

Is the consequence of missing teeth actually “diabetes”? Medical warning: If not remedied in time, 5 major problems may arise

Is it necessary to extract teeth to straighten teeth? Medical revelation of the truth: depends on 2 key factors

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