Why do I need to eat after exercising? Nutritionist reveals benefits: Promotes muscle repair and recovers physical strength faster

Why do I need to eat after exercising? Nutritionist reveals benefits: Promotes muscle repair and recovers physical strength faster

After exercise is the best time to replenish nutrition? What foods can help muscle repair? Nutritionist Gao Minmin said in a social post that moderate exercise has many benefits such as improving metabolism, losing fat, and improving cardiopulmonary fitness. However, the body will lose energy and feel tired after exercise. Not only adults, but also growing children should pay attention. Children running, jumping and playing ball will also consume a lot of energy. After exercise is the best time to replenish nutrition.

“7 minutes to eat, 3 minutes to move” Cooperation is very important! Why do we need to replenish nutrition immediately after exercise?

Dietitian Gao Minmin pointed out that “7 points of diet, 3 points of exercise” has its origin. Only by doing these two things can the absorption effect of diet be promoted. After exercise, muscle cells will consume energy, especially the “glycogen” in the muscle cells; in addition, the muscles will continue to be stimulated during exercise, leading to muscle fiber damage. Therefore, diet after exercise is essential to restore physical strength and repair muscle damage. important. It is recommended to consume carbohydrates and proteins in a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 respectively, which is the fastest way to repair muscles.

In addition, nutritionist Gao Minmin also recommends that after exercise, you must seize the 30-minute golden period to replenish nutrition. The reasons and timing of intake are as follows:

  1. Most of the nutrients obtained will be formed into muscles instead of being accumulated into fat.

  2. In addition to synthesizing muscles, nutrients can repair the energy lost after exercise.

  3. The golden intake time is within 20-60 minutes after exercise.

  4. Children are in the growing stage, so it is very important to replenish energy after exercise.

What are the most nutritious foods to eat after exercise? Nutritionist recommends “4 menus” to help replenish energy

In addition to paying attention to the time of intake, the content of the food is also very important. Nutritionist Gao Minmin recommends that adults or children who want to replenish energy after exercise can use the following menu:

  1. 1 medium sweet potato + 2 tea eggs (365 calories)

  2. 1.5 slices of whole wheat toast + 350ml of fresh milk (370 calories)

  3. Chicken rice + egg (460 calories)

  4. Small meal bag + apple + soy milk (310 calories)

Finally, nutritionist Gao Minmin also reminded the public that in addition to choosing the right food, intake is also one of the keys. It is recommended that the ratio of carbohydrates to protein should be 3:1 or 4:1. During exercise, you should also remember to replenish water and electrolytes if necessary. You can sip sports drinks every 10-20 minutes during exercise to avoid dehydration or cramps and help metabolism. “In addition to taking in more high-quality protein, you should also perform muscle strength training at the same time. You can find ways to move as much as you can and get rid of a static life. Remember to eat properly after exercising to replenish your body with full energy!”

Further reading:

Eating “boiled meals” won’t actually make you lose weight? Nutritionist reveals “6 major disadvantages”: the more you eat, the hungrier you get and you are prone to constipation!

Will eating fish really make you smarter? Nutritionists announce the ranking of the “Top 10 Nutritious Fishes”: Salmon is not among the top 3

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