Do I take a mouthwash every day to keep germs away from me? Does silver-containing mouthwash inhibit the new coronavirus? Let's learn the correct concept of mouthwash first.

Many people have heard that periodontal disease is related to cardiovascular disease, but did you know that periodontal health may also affect your chance of getting pneumonia? Usually, in addition to regular teeth cleaning, dentists will also recommend that you develop correct tooth brushing habits, or use mouthwash as a good way. The relationship between oral health and bacterial colony ecology and other diseases in the body has gradually received more attention in recent years. A study in the British Medical Journal stated that mouthwash can not only supplement toothpaste, but if it is added with “silver nanoparticles”, can it also help resist the invasion of COVID-19?
Silver nanoparticle blessing saves hundreds of medical care by gargling
This study brought together researchers from Russia, Spain, Mexico and other countries. They found that silver nanoparticles, which are used to sterilize, reduce inflammation and increase immunity, seemed to be able to inhibit the incidence of new coronary pneumonia, so the researchers used them produced in Russia. ARGOVIT mouthwash was manufactured for experimental testing. This mouthwash contains ingredients such as metallic silver, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and hydrolyzed collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen can stabilize the activity of metallic silver and reduce cytotoxicity.
The researchers took 231 medical staff in Mexico as experimental subjects and divided them into an experimental group and a control group, with and without regular use of silver nanoparticle mouthwash. During the peak of the epidemic in Mexico, researchers asked the experimental group to use mouthwash for cleaning for about 9 weeks (2020/4/7 to 2020/6/9). On average, each person used it nearly once a day. The results showed that after 9 weeks of mouthwash cleaning, the experimental group was less likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 than the control group. The infection rates of the experimental group and the control group were 1.8% and 28.2% respectively. The risk difference in the experimental results was more than 10 times. . Moreover, the virus inhibition efficiency is an astonishing 84.8%. This research result also confirms the correlation between silver nanoparticles and the prevention of respiratory infectious diseases, and may serve as a reference method for global epidemic prevention in the future.
Is rinsing the mouthwash wrongly useless? Will silver ions fight bacteria and be the savior of the plague?
Seeing this, don’t rush to buy a box of mouthwash online! After all, it is silver nanoparticles that play a role here. Not just a bottle of mouthwash can fight against COVID-19. However, if you are a regular mouthwash user, you still need to clarify some concepts. For example, mouthwash and toothpaste are divided into two types: fluoride and non-fluoride. Compared with ordinary mouthwash, fluoride mouthwash is more effective. It can increase the resistance of teeth, but it has no effect on removing dental plaque. At best, it can only “prevent tooth decay” but cannot cure tooth decay. In addition, mouthwash cannot completely replace toothpaste. To clean the mouth thoroughly, in addition to toothpaste and mouthwash, , it should also be used supplemented by dental floss; and mouthwash should only be used once a day, and no eating or drinking should be done for 30 minutes after use, otherwise the protective film formed by the mouthwash will become ineffective.
All in all, using toothpaste and mouthwash correctly can reduce oral health and bacterial risks. As for whether silver nanoparticles really have miraculous anti-epidemic effects, further research is needed. In addition, the virus may also enter the body from the nasal cavity, mucous membranes, etc. It is definitely not possible to eliminate the new coronavirus by gargling once a day (look at the current situation) How many countries and regions have not passed the epidemic peak?) However, silver ions, silver nanoparticles and other substances have many applications in medical devices. In the future, we may really have the opportunity to see biotech products such as “silver toothpaste” and “silver mouthwash” come out to help mankind. Fighting against other unknown germs is left to scientists to continue to explore and study!