I'm so tired from work! Japanese study: It is difficult for supervisors to communicate with employees, which increases the risk of "mental illness"

Manager Lei has these “3 personalities” and employees have a higher chance of heart disease
What does the relationship between a supervisor and an employee reflect on the health of the individual? Earlier Swedish research showed that employees who work with supervisors who reward and punish unfairly, are arbitrary, and do not tend to be considerate of others are at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease events. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine points out that poor managers often cause employees great stress, and over time, this stress will “snowball” the risk of heart disease.
Now, research from Japan’s Waseda University further points out that incidents such as low supervisor ability, improper management, or poor communication between employees and supervisors may affect employees’ “mental health”, reduce employee happiness and productivity, and indirectly lead to higher turnover. Rate.
Research on bosses’ low leadership skills and poor communication skills: subordinates’ risk of mental illness increases
The research team conducted a 6-year random interview (2012-2018), targeting enterprises with more than 100 employees. In addition, the team used the “General Health Questionnaire” (GHQ) and the “Work Productivity and Work Injury Questionnaire” (WPAI) developed by Maudsley Hospital in the UK to assess the mental health and performance of employees in major companies. Within 6 years, the research team received valid questionnaires from 719 companies and 5,838 subjects.
The team further quantified the management and communication skills of each unit’s supervisors through three indicators: whether the supervisor gave appropriate feedback to employees, whether communication between supervisors and subordinates was smooth, and whether the supervisor delivered messages in the most efficient way. The team also took variables such as employee working hours, work experience, and workplace atmosphere into consideration in the experiment.
After comparing the data, the research results show that the communication fluency between supervisors and subordinates is positively related to the mental health of employees. Supervisors with low leadership skills and poor communication with subordinates may have an increased chance of employees suffering from mental illnesses (such as anxiety disorders and panic attacks). On the contrary, a good communication process promotes employees’ mental health, significantly reduces employee turnover rates, and makes employees more motivated to work.
How to promote a better work environment? Experts say managers need to possess “three qualities”
Study author Dr. Yukiko Kuroda pointed out that older subordinates have less communication with their superiors; and older supervisors and subordinates tend to have better communication processes. Dr. Kuroda believes that this result may be due to Asian workplace culture that values seniority and seniority.
Dr. Kuroda pointed out that if the emotional stability of the supervisor is higher than that of the subordinate, the communication basis between the two parties will be better; and if the emotional stability is lower than that of the subordinate, the communication efficiency of both parties will become worse. Dr. Kuroda believes that excellent leadership skills, a charismatic management style, and intimacy with employees are the three key factors that promote a good working environment.
Talking about how to improve the distance between supervisors and subordinates? Dr. Kuroda pointed out that relevant training courses (such as increasing comprehensive capabilities in management, data integration, etc.) and gatherings with employees may be effective interventions to promote leadership capabilities.
“Believing that your boss has difficulty communicating is a ’negative’ thought. Negative emotions are often linked to mental illness! Supervisors at all levels should be committed to removing negative labels. When communication costs are reduced, employee productivity may increase.” Black Dr. Tian said.
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