I'm overwhelmed with stress but I don't know that I'm at risk of cancer! Doctor reveals "3 signs" to watch out for

I'm overwhelmed with stress but I don't know that I'm at risk of cancer! Doctor reveals "3 signs" to watch out for

No matter how healthy you are, you can’t stop the stress once it sets in? She had regular health check-ups and paid attention to health, but she was diagnosed with “early-stage breast cancer”

How profound are the effects of stress on the body? Even if you live a regular life and pay attention to health, excessive stress may still lead to various diseases and even the risk of cancer? Ms. Chen, 68, not only has a regular lifestyle and healthy diet, but also arranges weight training, yoga and other exercise classes during the week. She can be called a “model student of health” who undergoes regular health check-ups. However, despite her busy work schedule, the epidemic has caused great psychological pressure and she was even diagnosed with “cancer cells” during a health check-up.

Dr. Yan Zuohua, deputy director of Lianxin Clinic, said that since the patient started last year, the business he founded has faced major setbacks due to the raging epidemic. Not only have the usual regular health tracking been cancelled, but intravenous drip treatments and annual health check-ups cannot be carried out as scheduled. After many times of concern and persuasion from the nurse, she took the time to arrange a physical examination. The examination results revealed that Ms. Chen had already suffered from “early-stage breast cancer.”

Excessive stress may lead to “three types of cancer” 2 tests and 3 signs to help clarify the source of stress

Dr. Yan Zuowa said that although there is no evidence that stress can directly cause cancer, many studies have found that stress may be a risk factor for cancer and increase the risk of cancer cell growth and metastasis. Animal experiments have confirmed that there is a corresponding relationship between stress hormones and breast cancer; a previous long-term follow-up study for 15-30 years pointed out that men with high work pressure are more likely to suffer from lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and gastric cancer. And stress can even affect cancer treatment and recovery progress.

How do you assess whether you are stressed out? Dr. Yan Zuohua explained that “stress” is a subjective view. Unlike blood sugar and blood pressure values, there is a set of diagnostic standards and treatment guidelines. However, you can still make assessments through specific values, such as regular sex hormone testing combined with adrenal stress cortex analysis, which can analyze the aging degree of hormones, whether stress and anti-stress hormones are balanced; or through autonomic nerve testing, you can understand your current sympathetic and parasympathetic mood. Are the nerves out of balance?

In addition, it is also recommended to pay more attention to some specific symptoms in life. If you are prone to waking up early from sleep recently, have sudden inexplicable tension and anxiety in your life, or find that you often hear relatives and friends asking you recently: “Are you particularly stressed recently?” “This may be a warning sign that the stress exceeds the body’s capacity.

Modern people are under a lot of stress without realizing it. Doctors recommend “2 tricks” to effectively reduce stress.

Modern people live and work at a busy pace and may be under great pressure without realizing it. Therefore, Dr. Yan Zuohua recommends that you can deepen your sensitivity to stress through “meditation exercises” in daily life: After preparing the practice space, put Turn off your mobile phones, tablets and other 3C products, isolate yourself from external troubles and choose the most comfortable posture to start meditating. Finally, as the inhalation and exhalation meet, the unpleasant, stressful and distracting thoughts are eliminated from the body.

Dr. Yan Zuowa also suggested that people take a short break to review their status. For example, during the week, arrange for half a day to break away from your original life pattern, like pressing the pause button, paying attention to things you haven’t noticed in your life, and being more conscious about the sources of stress.

Finally, Dr. Yan Zuohua also appealed that health examinations have their own design principles, and the combination of each examination item will be designed based on age, family history, etc. Therefore, he reminded the public that health examinations need to be planned from a comprehensive perspective, and health cannot be neglected because of busyness. Bearing the risk of disease, one-day health check-up and subsequent 364-day health management are the only complete health.

Further reading:

Excessive stress accelerates “immune aging” and makes you more susceptible to epidemics! Harvard Buddhism’s 5 tips to relieve stress and save yourself

Are headaches, constipation, and chest tightness all caused by “stress”? Doctor reveals “two major tests” to help clarify the source of anxiety

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