What should I do if "I grow old before I grow old"? Is the location of gray hair related to organ health? Traditional Chinese medicine doctors teach you 2 ways to improve your health

What should I do if "I grow old before I grow old"? Is the location of gray hair related to organ health? Traditional Chinese medicine doctors teach you 2 ways to improve your health

Are you in your middle age but already have “hair like snow”? Too much pressure and brain-burning work may cause whitening

Modern people are paying more and more attention to “appearance”, and gray hair has also become an appearance issue that concerns the public. Doctor Guo Dawei of Fuyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic said that one of the common causes of gray hair among young adults is “juvenile graying”, which tends to occur in young age and is related to genetics. In addition, long-term exposure to stress, anxiety, anger and other emotions can also cause hair to turn gray.

Chinese medicine doctor Guo Dawei explained that under normal circumstances, when men are around 40 years old, their testosterone secretion declines, and the graying of their temples will gradually become more severe. For women, after the age of 35, the qi and blood in the body begin to weaken, and the chance of gray hair increases. If you also work in “brain-burning” jobs, such as lawyers, accountants or bank specialists, putting your body in a high-pressure environment for a long time will more easily accelerate the growth of gray hair.

Chinese medicine practitioner Guo Dawei said that Chinese medicine believes that the location of gray hair reflects health status. The whitening of hair on both sides of the temples is mostly related to the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Symptoms such as bitter mouth and dry mouth may also occur. The growth of white hair on the back of the head may be related to aging and insufficient kidney qi. People with gray hair on their forehead should pay attention to gastrointestinal function problems, which mostly occur in people with frequent diarrhea and indigestion.

Is it possible for gray hair to turn back to black hair? Diet and massage can help improve

Dr. Guo Dawei said that traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the nutrients are derived from the blood.” After being digested by the gastrointestinal tract, nutrients taken in by the human body are first supplied to the internal organs, then to the muscles and bones, and finally to the hair follicles. Therefore, when the body is in poor health or the functions of the internal organs are damaged, blood and nutrients will be transported to the internal organs preferentially, resulting in a shortage of qi and blood supply to the hair, making hair whitening more likely. After the internal organs recuperate, the hair follicles receive sufficient blood stimulation and the nutrients needed for growth, and then have the opportunity to grow black hair again.

Chinese medicine practitioner Guo Dawei reminds that to improve hair health, you should pay attention to a balanced and healthy daily diet. You can also eat more dark green vegetables, seafood and other foods, which will be helpful to improve gray hair. In addition, you may wish to increase blood-rich foods on weekdays, such as Black beans, spinach, mulberry, etc. are helpful for qi, blood and hair health.

In addition, massage can improve blood flow to the head and stimulate hair follicles and hair health. Dr. Guo Dawei recommends that you can massage the “Shenting point” on the forehead, the “Touwei point” on both sides of the head, and the “Fengchi point” on the back of the head on weekdays, which has a good effect on relaxing the mood and stretching the scalp. If you cannot master the acupoints, you can comb your hair with a comb instead to stimulate blood flow to your hair and scalp. If you don’t have a comb, you can use a scraping board instead.

Dr. Guo Dawei pointed out that many people will find “air knots” one after another after combing their hair, especially those who often have pain on the side and back of the head. Brushing their hair can not only stimulate the hair, but also improve the air knots and relieve headaches. In addition, acupuncture is also a treatment method to improve blood flow to the head. If you really have scalp or hair color problems, you should consult a professional and qualified Chinese medicine practitioner, who will diagnose and take appropriate treatment.

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