What should I do if I feel dizzy while riding a boat or passenger transport? Which patch or oral motion sickness medicine should I choose? Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reveals "5 tips" to reduce discomfort

What should I do if I feel dizzy while riding a boat or passenger transport? Which patch or oral motion sickness medicine should I choose? Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reveals "5 tips" to reduce discomfort

It is common to experience motion sickness or seasickness when traveling. In order to improve the symptoms of dizziness, many people choose to take motion sickness pills to improve symptoms. Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration reminds the public that although motion sickness medicine can relieve nausea and dizziness, relevant regulations should still be followed before taking the medicine. Specific groups should not buy and use it alone; those who take other medicines should also pay attention to interactions. The effect affects the efficacy of the medicine.

What is the difference between the two major motion sickness medicine types? “Patch dosage form” can last for 72 hours

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration stated that the ingredients of motion sickness drugs are mainly divided into first-generation antihistamines and scopolamine. Please read the drug instructions carefully before use, follow the instructions, and pay attention to usage, dosage and related precautions to avoid excessive use. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration explains the two major dosage forms as follows:

  1. First-generation antihistamine: It is recommended to take it 30-60 minutes before taking a ride. Among them, dimenhydrinate has a shorter effect and an action time of about 6-8 hours. If necessary, it can be taken before continuing to take transportation or when symptoms appear. Take it again; meclizine has a long-lasting effect and usually only needs to be taken once a day.

  2. Scopolamine: usually combined with antihistamine or caffeine in the form of a compound drug, and the time to take it is also 30-60 minutes before riding. This ingredient is available in a patch form suitable for long-distance travel. It should be applied to the body at least 4 hours before boarding, such as behind the ears and other hairless areas, and can be used for up to 72 hours.

In addition, the antihistamine component in motion sickness medicine is also a common ingredient in cold medicine. Therefore, when using motion sickness medicine, do not take cold medicine at the same time to avoid overdose. In addition, scopolamine has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. If sedatives or sleeping pills are used together, the depressant effect on the central nervous system may be aggravated.

Who should be careful when using motion sickness medicine? 5 major groups should not buy and use by themselves

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds that children, pregnant women, and patients with chronic diseases such as asthma, glaucoma, or prostate hypertrophy who want to take motion sickness medications should first be evaluated by a physician and then prescribed and used according to the physician’s instructions. They should not buy and take them by themselves. . In addition, motion sickness medicine may cause side effects such as drowsiness or difficulty concentrating. Therefore, you should not drive or operate dangerous equipment after taking the medicine.

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds people to get enough sleep and eat a light diet before taking public transportation for a long time. If you are worried about motion sickness, you can choose a more comfortable seat when riding, such as the front seat. You should maintain air circulation in the car and try to Do not read or use mobile phones in a bumpy car or boat to reduce the occurrence of dizziness. In addition, the choice of motion sickness medicine depends on the length of the trip and personal reaction. If you don’t know how to choose the right medicine, please consult the pharmacists at the community pharmacy to make you more comfortable and secure when you go out.


How to take motion sickness medicine? Learn the three secrets!

Further reading:

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