Can I get flu and COVID-19 vaccines if I have psoriasis? Are you afraid that the lesions will break out if you use scrub or exfoliation? Doctors expose myths about psoriasis treatment and care

Can I get flu and COVID-19 vaccines if I have psoriasis? Are you afraid that the lesions will break out if you use scrub or exfoliation? Doctors expose myths about psoriasis treatment and care

“Psoriasis” is an immune abnormality disease that not only affects skin and joint health, but may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and mental illness. Dr. Cai Yunzhen from the Department of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology of Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital said in an interview that in the past, the treatment of psoriasis mainly relied on traditional methods such as oral drugs, topical ointments and light. But with the development of biologics and oral small molecule drugs, more cutting-edge treatments can be used as weapons to control the disease.

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Dr. Cai Yunzhen said that traditional oral drugs and light therapy for psoriasis still play an important role in clinical practice, but for patients with more severe conditions or poor response to treatment, they are specific or have a clear disease-improving effect. Targeted therapy is even more important. In recent years, the development of biological agents and small molecule targeted drugs has become a powerful tool for the treatment of severe psoriasis. Biological agents use monoclonal antibodies to inhibit the inflammatory response and achieve the therapeutic effect of blocking the target; while small molecule oral targeted drugs are precise Combat the inflammatory process to work.

Dr. Cai Yunzhen further explained that biological agents can be divided into intravenous injection and subcutaneous injection, while small molecule targeted drugs are mainly administered orally. Nowadays, they have not only achieved significant results in the treatment of psoriasis, but can also reduce the cost of traditional treatments. discomfort and side effects.

Dr. Cai Yunzhen pointed out that although new treatments such as biologics and oral small molecule targeted drugs have remarkable effects, they are relatively expensive and increase the financial burden of many patients. Therefore, it is very important for patients with psoriasis to communicate with their doctor about appropriate treatments. Dr. Cai Yunzhen recommends that people with psoriasis can actively consult an allergy and immunorheumatologist to learn about the treatment method that suits them based on their condition and lifestyle.

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Dr. Cai Yunzhen clarified that psoriasis is a chronic disease that currently cannot be cured and can only be “controlled”. However, modern medical methods, especially new immune-modulating drugs, can help most patients achieve long-term disease control or even complete remission.

Some rumors claim that psoriasis is caused by the accumulation of “toxins” in the body, and the symptoms can be relieved through “detoxification”. Dr. Cai Yunzhen emphasized that from the perspective of Western medicine, the pathological mechanism of psoriasis has nothing to do with “toxins”, and the so-called detoxification Treatment not only fails to improve the condition, but may cause more serious lesions. If you want to use traditional Chinese medicine to treat psoriasis, it is recommended to seek joint care from a qualified traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. In addition, dandruff lesions on psoriatic skin cannot be improved by exfoliation. Psoriasis patients are reminded that because the skin is in a highly sensitive and inflamed state, excessive exfoliation may aggravate skin damage.

People with psoriasis are more susceptible to infection! Should public-funded vaccines be “vaccinated to the fullest”?

In recent years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, whether people with psoriasis and autoimmune diseases can be vaccinated has also become a hot topic of inquiry. Some people with autoimmune diseases are even required to produce a doctor’s certificate before vaccination. Dr. Cai Yunzhen explained that due to the special state of the immune system and the ongoing immunotherapy for psoriasis, psoriasis is more susceptible to infection by various pathogens. According to current international treatment guidelines, patients with autoimmune diseases should receive vaccines that have passed clinical trials, including influenza. Vaccines, pneumococcal vaccine, COVID vaccine and shingles vaccine.

Dr. Cai Yunzhen pointed out that patients with psoriasis must discuss their current physical conditions with their doctors before receiving the vaccine. In particular, the public is reminded that vaccination is a “preventive measure” rather than a disease treatment weapon. It is recommended to be vaccinated when the body is in good health. It is not appropriate to vaccinate during the onset of symptoms or even severe inflammation.

Does it affect more than just skin patches, redness, swelling, heat and pain? What are the possible complications of psoriasis?

It is worth noting that psoriasis not only causes severe skin lesions, but can even cause multiple complications? Dr. Cai Yunzhen reminded that patients with psoriasis have a higher risk of the three highs (hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia). The reason is that the pathological mechanism of psoriasis involves systemic inflammatory response, and long-term chronic inflammation can affect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is easier to cause three highs.

Dr. Cai Yunzhen pointed out that systemic complications that patients with psoriasis may face include: cardiovascular disease, arthritis, iritis, obesity, metabolic diseases, nail lesions, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Intestinal diseases may even cause severe diarrhea and damage to the intestinal mucosa. In addition, psoriasis lesions require careful care. If the lesions do not improve for a long time, the risk of depression may increase.

Eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep are not enough! Psoriasis patients must do “one thing” after bathing

Dr. Cai Yunzhen said that there is currently no complete cure for psoriasis. It is recommended that people with psoriasis maintain a balanced diet in their lives, avoid high-sugar and high-fat diets, and eat more fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is important to ensure adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can affect the immune system and worsen psoriasis symptoms. Quitting smoking is also key to treating psoriasis, especially for heavy smokers. Quitting smoking is an important way to reduce the severity of psoriasis symptoms.

In addition, obesity or high BMI will not only increase the incidence of psoriasis, but are also risk factors for aggravating the symptoms of psoriasis. Proper weight management can help control psoriasis. Regular exercise can help lose weight, reduce the risk of psoriasis, enhance cardiopulmonary function, and improve the body’s resistance.

Dr. Cai Yunzhen pointed out that patients with psoriasis often have maintenance myths, and it is recommended to avoid using overly irritating skin care and skin rejuvenation products (such as A acid), especially those containing irritating ingredients such as alcohol. Also avoid using “scrub” to avoid skin damage. For patients with psoriasis, “moisturizing” is an important key to skin care. In particular, many male patients neglect skin moisturizing. They should use lotion regularly after bathing to help maintain skin moisturization.

Finally, Dr. Cai Yunzhen emphasized that patients with psoriasis should not take supplements or use drugs of unknown origin. Especially when using Chinese medicinal materials or healthy foods, they must first consult a rheumatism, allergy and immunologist to avoid causing autoimmune diseases. Symptoms intensify, posing greater health risks.

Further reading:

I never thought that skin diseases can be life-threatening! “This kind of psoriasis” required her to be intubated and use extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to survive.

Air pollution and dry air in winter are “skin killers”! Doctors reveal the “three NG behaviors” in skin care: bathing with “soap” is extremely harmful to the skin

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