What should I eat if I am diagnosed with sore throat? Nutritionist named 1 food: Helps repair mucous membranes and immunity

What should I eat if I am diagnosed with sore throat? Nutritionist named 1 food: Helps repair mucous membranes and immunity

What can’t you eat if you have a sore throat? Nutritionists name 3 types of foods to avoid

After being diagnosed with “severe sore throat”, what foods should be avoided to aggravate the symptoms? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out in an interview that it is first recommended to avoid “crispy and crunchy” foods, such as sweet potato slices, potato chips, and biscuits, which are more likely to irritate or cause pain when swallowing due to their light and crunchy texture.

It is also recommended to avoid foods classified as “acidic” in nutritional terms, especially alcohol. Natural foods such as citrus and tomatoes are also recommended not to be consumed in excess. It is best to avoid “sweets” when you have a sore throat. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua explains that they mainly refer to refined foods and sweets containing sugar. Such foods can promote inflammation and easily aggravate sore throat symptoms.

What foods can you eat if you are diagnosed with sore throat? Eat this way to balance nutrition and immunity

Regarding what foods are suitable for eating when you have a sore throat, nutritionist Jian Yuhua recommends choosing “soft, thick, and smooth” foods. In principle, for starchy foods such as those for the elderly or people with bad teeth, you can choose oatmeal without coarse husks. It contains fiber and minerals such as zinc and magnesium, which can help with healing. Or replace white rice with mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, which can be used as a staple food and avoid nutritional deficiencies.

You can choose yogurt for protein and supplement probiotics. Ice-cold yogurt can also help soothe a sore throat, or you can make fruit into a fruit smoothie. For eggs, it is recommended to use braised eggs or baked eggs. Vegetables and fruits can mainly choose melons.

Can you eat garlic and other spices if you have a sore throat? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that garlic and spices contain biologically active ingredients, which have auxiliary effects on sterilization and antiviral effects. However, attention should be paid to cooking methods to avoid excessive stimulation. They can be chopped into pieces and added to cooking.

Pumpkin and milk help repair mucous membranes and catecholamines help relieve sore throat

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that after diagnosis, many people will choose soft foods such as pudding, but such desserts add more sugar, so it is recommended to replace them with sugar-free grass jelly, tofu pudding, etc. In addition, vitamin A is needed for mucous membrane repair. Pumpkin pudding can also be made with pumpkin and milk. It is rich in nutrients and contains minerals, which helps immunity.

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that some research documents show that tea brewed from tea leaves contains catecholamines, which is beneficial to relieving sore throats. It is recommended to choose sugar-free, warm temperature tea, or drink herbal tea or ice tea to help relieve pain.

Further reading:

How to eat to improve immunity? Nutritionist: A “garlic dish” supplements 3 major nutrients

What are the benefits of dark chocolate? Can anti-inflammation improve your mood? Nutritionist teaches “3 tips” for purchasing

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