What should I do if a dental implant fails? Can "digital dentistry" help reduce medical disputes? Dentists analyze the three major differences between the past and the present

What should I do if a dental implant fails? Can "digital dentistry" help reduce medical disputes? Dentists analyze the three major differences between the past and the present

Health damage caused by the failure of dental implants has been reported from time to time, which also makes many people shy away from hearing the need for dental implants, fearing that there will be irreversible risks. Dr. Wang Baichan of Parkside Dental Clinic pointed out that in the past, doctors mostly used X-ray images The data is used as the benchmark, and then the dental implant surgery is completed based on the big data of academic literature. But it also tests the doctor’s experience, skills and sense of space. With the advent of digital dentistry, dental implant surgery can now be completed more accurately with the assistance of various advanced equipment. Not only the comfort of the process, but also the durability of the implant has also been greatly improved.

Get rid of the stereotype of dental implants with precision from examination to implantation

“Will dental implants be painful? My friend went for a dental implant and it fell off. Wouldn’t it be scary?” Dr. Wang Baichan vividly described the immediate reaction of every patient who knew they needed dental implants in the past. Traditional dental implants Surgery, from examination to implantation, is like fighting monsters for the patient, all the way through. More importantly, if the patient is unwilling to cooperate with post-operative care, it may cause inflammation and cause the dental implant to fail. This will lead to labor and energy and not getting a good tooth, which will only increase medical disputes.

Dr. Wang Baichan pointed out that the data collection method of traditional dental implants was limited. At that time, 3D tomography was not yet popular. Doctors could only rely on 2D X-rays, tooth models and clinical data for surgical planning of dental implants. Therefore, the key to success lies in: The doctor’s experience and skills, relatively speaking, will lead to higher risks and failure rates.

“The success rate of dental implants now reaches 95%, and public acceptance has also increased significantly.” Wang Baichan said that the main reason is that many of the tools that can help now include more precise instruments from scanning, judgment to implantation. For example, oral scanning machines can completely scan the oral condition, and the popularity of 3D tomography allows doctors to gain a clear insight into the tooth bone profile at a glance. The implantation process is assisted by digital guides to allow the implants to fit more closely with the bones, thereby improving the effectiveness of dental implants. The probability of success is high. At the same time, doctors can also perform more detailed treatment on gum repairs to improve patient comfort.

Extended reading: Can straightening teeth make you beautiful and slim your face? Doctors reveal 4 major myths: As soon as the braces are removed, the original shape may be revealed

Smile is no longer full of gold teeth and the appearance is greatly improved

The technology of dental implants has also kept pace with the aesthetics of generations. Wang Baichan said that people of the previous generation liked gold and silver teeth because they were a symbol of “richness”. In addition, traditional dental implant surgeries were based on feeling and did not work. Aesthetics and functionality will not be taken into consideration, but times are advancing rapidly, and concepts are also different. Nowadays, people want to appear as natural as possible. The ideal state is “not to be seen through as “fake””.

“In addition to whether the teeth are beautiful or not, the appearance of the color is also very important.” Wang Baichan said that the color of the crown not only depends on the material, but also tests the communication between the doctor and the dental technician. Traditionally, it relies on photos and dental molds to compare. When making dental crowns, distortion and errors are relatively easy to occur. With the significant improvement in image quality and high-speed transmission of the Internet, dental technicians can quickly understand the patient’s needs and make crowns that meet expectations.

Digital technology assists communication between doctors and patients, eliminating the gap between imagination and reality

The biggest worry about spending money on dental implants is that the imagination does not match the reality. Now this problem has been improved. Dr. Wang Baichan mentioned that in the past, impressions were used, and then the dental technician was asked to use wax carving to tell the patient what the patient would look like after surgery. Since the picture only shows the inside of the mouth, the patient needs to imagine through the doctor’s description, and it is easy for him to feel a “sense of disparity”.

Wang Baizhen said that now the dental arch can be printed out through computer tomography simulation and 3D printing technology, so that the patient can clearly know the position of the implant, the color of the crown, and how the smile matches the entire face. Through the calculation of big data, the final result is presented, and the patient can also have perfect communication with the doctor through the image display to improve the satisfaction of dental implants.

Further reading: The long row of dentures fell off along with the roots! Beware of bacterial infections! Medically recommended “All-on-4” treatment may be a remedy

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