Hundreds of people spread in 2 days! Omricon asymptomatic infection is super strong, critical care doctors remind you to do 6 actions if you use it in restaurants

Hundreds of people spread in 2 days! Omricon asymptomatic infection is super strong, critical care doctors remind you to do 6 actions if you use it in restaurants

Is the Omicron epidemic heating up again? 130 local cases were solved in two days

The Omicron variant virus has rapidly spread in large numbers, with more than 130 new local cases in Taiwan for two consecutive years. Among them, nearly 100 people have been infected in the transmission chain of migrant workers at Taoyuan Yaxu Company. Why can Omicron mutant strains cause such a rapidly spreading epidemic? Dr. Huang Xuan, an expert in critical care medicine, said that due to the characteristics of Omicron’s virus, migrant workers and shipping personnel can easily form “small breaches.”

Dr. Huang Xuan said that when the Omicron virus is rampant around the world, shipping personnel from one high-risk country to another high-risk country can easily create breaches without adequate protective equipment. The crew members lived in close quarters for several months, loaded and unloaded goods in countries with high risks or where the epidemic was spreading out of control, and then came to Taiwan through “legal channels”, which naturally created a high risk of infection.

How many migrant workers are young and strong? Asymptomatic transmission is the main cause of the pandemic

In addition, asymptomatic transmission is another reason for the rapid increase in the Omicron epidemic. Dr. Huang Xuan pointed out that asymptomatic transmission is one of the main reasons for the serious spread of the current global epidemic. Migrant workers and shipping personnel are mostly young, strong, and in good health. Infected people with such physical constitutions are the group with the largest number of “asymptomatic transmissions.”

Dr. Huang Xuan said that the world is still burning on the flames of COVID-19. The main reason is that asymptomatic transmission allows the epidemic to spread quickly and widely. Epidemic prevention cannot be blocked only at airports and air transport borders. Coastal and land routes should be treated with the same specifications to avoid the most vulnerable border loopholes, which may cause big holes in epidemic prevention.

Pay attention to asymptomatic transmission when dining out and 6 major principles from critical care doctors

The rising epidemic situation in Taiwan has also made people worry that eating out will increase the risk of infection. Dr. Huang Xuan suggested that it is not completely necessary to ban it in restaurants, but it is recommended to abide by the “six rules”:

  1. Real-name registration and temperature measurement;

  2. Wear a mask before and after leaving the table Mask;

  3. Disinfect before and after eating;

  4. Take off the mask and dine quietly;

  5. Do not move the isolation board;

  6. Wash hands again after leaving the restaurant.

The chain of infection caused by the epidemic in the Xidi restaurant shows the power of asymptomatic transmission of Omicron. Dr. Huang Xuan said that migrant workers and shipping personnel who have been in intensive contact for a long time will also come into contact with the general community. Under the Omicron virus pandemic, Taiwanese people should pay more attention to the risk of asymptomatic transmission to avoid a recurrence of the “out of control” situation after the outbreak in Singapore.

Further reading

90% protection? The U.S. CDC says the third dose of “RNA vaccine” Omicron is the best to reduce mortality by 91%, key exposure

Omicron heats up 82 cases reported in Taiwan! Commander: Taoyuan and Kaohsiung infection chains pose a high risk to the community

Omicron has a small amount of virus but is super powerful? Is Herd Immunity No Hope? Scholars exclaimed: Everyone will fall into the trap

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