Hsinchu City Health Bureau strictly controls food safety! 29 items of winter solstice food were sampled and "all passed"

Hsinchu City Health Bureau strictly controls food safety! 29 items of winter solstice food were sampled and "all passed"

Hsinchu City Health Bureau strictly controls food safety! All 29 items of Winter Solstice food products passed inspection

The Winter Solstice is one of Taiwan’s important traditional festivals. In order to protect the health and safety of people eating Winter Solstice festival foods, the Hsinchu City Health Bureau launched a Winter Solstice special inspection to randomly inspect food for the occasion. The inspection areas include food manufacturing, sales, catering, A total of 29 pieces of winter solstice food on the market were sampled and inspected from cakes and stores, etc., and the inspection results were all in compliance with regulations.

Health Director Chen Houquan said that a total of 29 items of winter solstice food on the market including glutinous rice balls, noodles, rice noodles, sauces, cakes, bottled drinks, etc. were tested for preservatives, bleaching agents, sweeteners, plasticizers, etc. For formaldehyde, illegal colorants and other items, the inspection results are all in compliance with regulations. The list of random inspections and inspection results are published on the Health Bureau website for public reference.

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Director Chen reminds people that when buying seasonal ingredients during the Winter Solstice, such as glutinous rice balls, noodles, etc., they should try to choose packaged foods and pay attention to the outer packaging labels. They should store them properly and eat them as soon as possible after returning home to avoid expiration or deterioration. Make sure the ingredients are fully cooked when cooking. In addition, if you have food allergies, you should pay special attention to the ingredients of the food to avoid allergic reactions. If you have allergic symptoms, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

The Health Bureau calls on food manufacturers to correctly use food additives such as preservatives and bleaching agents in accordance with the scope, limits and specifications of food additives. If food additives are used in violation of regulations, they will be prosecuted in accordance with Article 47 of the Food Safety and Hygiene Management Act. Article 1 stipulates that a fine of not less than NT$30,000 but not more than NT$3 million shall be imposed.

If the public has questions about food hygiene and safety, please call 1999 or the Hsinchu City Health Bureau Food and Drug Administration Section hotline 03-5353170, and a dedicated person will provide consulting services.

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