If horizontal wisdom teeth are not treated, there may be a "domino effect"! Medical reminder: Seek medical advice if "3 conditions" occur

If horizontal wisdom teeth are not treated, there may be a "domino effect"! Medical reminder: Seek medical advice if "3 conditions" occur

The “smile curve” that was originally neatly arranged has become messed up due to the emergence of wisdom teeth, and the adjacent teeth have been squeezed due to lack of space, causing a series of domino effects. It is very likely that “horizontal wisdom teeth” are causing trouble. Dr. Qiu Peiran from Parkside Dental Clinic said that in addition to increasing the incidence of wisdom tooth periarthritis, horizontal wisdom teeth may also cause a “domino effect” of tooth alignment, making the already unevenly arranged teeth even more chaotic.

Wisdom teeth are our third largest molars. The appearance of horizontal wisdom teeth is inseparable from changes in eating habits. Qiu Peiran explained that in clinical practice, more and more patients of this type have been observed. In fact, this is related to the change in diet. It is related to the increasing sophistication. In terms of evolution, we no longer need so many molars to eat, and the evolution of human mandibles has a tendency to become smaller. In the end, there will be no room for the wisdom teeth of modern people to grow.

Dr. Qiu Peiran said that under such circumstances, the chance of wisdom teeth getting stuck in the gum will increase. In addition, the jawbone of Asians is smaller than that of Westerners, so the chance of horizontal wisdom teeth developing due to crowding is higher. Although research has Pointed out that the horizontal wisdom teeth that occur in the lower jaw are higher than those in the upper jaw, but this does not mean that they will not occur in the upper jaw. The horizontal wisdom teeth in the upper jaw depend on genes. Genes determine the direction of tooth germ growth. As for whether wisdom teeth can emerge, it depends on the shape of the dental arch. related to width.

Horizontal wisdom teeth “3 conditions” are the most difficult! Doctor: The key is whether the crown of the tooth is exposed or not

Qiu Peiran said that horizontal wisdom teeth can be roughly divided into several types. First, the crown of the tooth protrudes and is not covered by the gum; second, it is outside the bone but is covered by the gum; third, the whole tooth has a protruding crown. A wisdom tooth is completely hidden in the bone. If it is a horizontal wisdom tooth with no exposed crown, it will usually cause the erupted wisdom tooth to bite the tooth flesh on the side of the un-erupted horizontal wisdom tooth. In severe cases, tooth-containing cysts may occur.

“Normal tooth growth moves in the opposite direction to the root of the tooth, while horizontal wisdom teeth may move forward or tip over.” Qiu Peiran mentioned that if the crown of the tooth is exposed, the most common problem is that food residue is easy to form. If they are stuck between the teeth, if they are not cleaned thoroughly, they will be more prone to tooth decay, and the incidence of peri-wisdom tooth inflammation will also increase.

Leave it alone for fear of creating a domino effect! Doctor reminds: Horizontal wisdom teeth should be treated as soon as possible

“If peri-wisdom tooth inflammation, wisdom tooth decay, or the second largest molar in front of the wisdom tooth has been decayed, it is strongly recommended to seek a dentist for evaluation and treatment as soon as possible!” Qiu Peiran believes that wisdom tooth extraction is inseparable from preventive medicine, although It may not have any movement yet, but if the overall condition is not ideal, removing it from a preventive perspective will be more protective for the overall oral health in the future.

Dr. Qiu Peiran said that clinical medicine recommends that the age for wisdom teeth extraction is between 16 and 25 years old. The reason is that the elasticity between the wisdom teeth and the bone is better during this period. If you are over 30 years old, wisdom teeth extraction will take longer in terms of extraction time and wound healing. It will take a longer time. It should be noted that tooth extraction itself is an invasive treatment. In addition to the deterioration of bone elasticity as you get older, it is difficult to have the same physical condition, wound healing, or immunity as when you were young. Therefore, it is recommended that similar patients be treated as early as possible. .

Further reading:

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