The home epidemic prevention campaign cannot stop! 6 tips to practice "Building Muscle and Losing Fat" at home to strengthen body protection

The home epidemic prevention campaign cannot stop! 6 tips to practice "Building Muscle and Losing Fat" at home to strengthen body protection

During the epidemic prevention period, returning to the sports venue and exercising at home for more than 150 minutes a week will be effective.

In recent years, the international community has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Due to the previous outbreak in Taiwan, after the command center issued a level three alert, most people’s exercise habits have also shifted from gyms and sports fields to “exercise at home.” Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare National Health Administration reminds that health is the most valuable asset. Physical activity and exercise are very important to promote the health of people of all ages. Exercise at home can actually strengthen one’s own protection.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults aged 18 to 64 years old need to engage in moderate physical activity for more than 150 minutes per week. Therefore, the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration provides 6 fat-burning exercise methods that young people can start and warm up at home at any time. Training to “lose fat and gain muscle”.

Taiwan Health Promotion Administration recommends 6 exercises to keep you from losing weight while staying at home

The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration recommends that when exercising at home, you should do each movement 4 times, and complete 6 movements to count as one set. It is recommended to perform 5 groups of exercises each time. It can be adjusted according to personal physical condition. The rest between groups can be based on personal physical fitness. Rest for 30-90 seconds. Doing it twice a day not only keeps you healthy, but you also don’t have to worry about gaining weight while staying at home.

The following are 6 fat-burning exercise methods recommended by the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration:

  1. Mountain style: Stand up to the ground in a preparatory position, keep your upper limbs stable, and alternately lift your knees to your chest with your feet. Keep your body stable while running, which can train your core muscles.

  2. Jump with both feet left and right: Stand in a standing position with your hands on your hips, keep your upper limbs stable, and jump your feet to the left and then to the right to train the balance, coordination and explosive power of your lower limbs.

  3. Lie prone and swing your hands and feet alternately: Lie prone on a yoga mat or soft mat, straighten your hands and feet, and alternately lift the opposite hand and foot to exercise, which can train the gluteus maximus and lower back muscles.

  4. Triangle jump: Stand in a standing position with your hands on your hips, keep your upper limbs stable, and jump in a triangle pattern with both feet.

  5. Lie on your stomach and alternately lift your upper and lower limbs: Lie prone on a yoga mat or soft mat, straighten your hands and feet, and alternately lift your upper and lower limbs to exercise, which can train your back muscles.

  6. Square jump: Stand in a standing position with your hands on your hips, keep your upper limbs stable, and jump in a square pattern with both feet.

The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration also calls on young people to try fat-burning exercises at home during the epidemic prevention period. If they do not have such high-intensity exercise experience, they should pay attention to their own limits and take steps to avoid sports injuries. When exercising, you also need to pay attention to the ventilation of the exercise space, remember to keep warm after sweating, and replenish water in a timely manner. Maintain good health and physical strength and enhance protection.


For health and epidemic prevention, do some fat-burning exercises like this

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