The "hitting wall" phase of weight loss is caused by insufficient nutrients! Won't "running" every day make you lose weight? Nutritionists teach "1 action" to burn fat faster

The "hitting wall" phase of weight loss is caused by insufficient nutrients! Won't "running" every day make you lose weight? Nutritionists teach "1 action" to burn fat faster

Can not eating starch at all help you lose weight? Why won’t you lose weight if you only eat vegetables?

Taiwan’s “obesity rate” is the highest in Asia. Chronic diseases and obesity have caused many health problems, and the trend of eating “healthy” is gradually flourishing. In an exclusive interview with “healthorn”, Manman nutritionist said that there are different methods of healthy eating, but everyone’s physical condition is different, and rash implementation may not achieve the desired weight loss effect.

Manman nutritionist said that there were female cases who lost 10 kilograms on the “ketogenic diet”, but their body fat did not decrease accordingly. Not only did their waist circumference still exceed the standard, but they also began to hit a wall in weight loss. When implementing a ketogenic diet, excessive protein intake will also lead to excess calories and fat accumulation. It may be effective in reducing body fat and weight in the early stage, but once more than 1-2 weeks pass, the effect will gradually diminish. Later, the patient adjusted his diet to increase the ratio of starch to vegetables, and his weight began to decrease smoothly after 2 weeks.

Manman nutritionists explain that the human body consumes at least 40 nutrients every day. If the dietary pattern of lacking specific nutrients, such as carbohydrates and proteins, lasts for more than 1-2 weeks, the body will enter “energy-saving mode” and metabolism will begin to decline, which will make it difficult to metabolize fat and make it more difficult to lose weight. Even if you are losing weight, it is still recommended to consume 1,500 calories a day for men and 1,200 calories for girls to avoid metabolic problems. If you only eat vegetables or protein to lose weight, you may fall into a situation of nutritional imbalance.

Which diet is most helpful for weight loss? Is the “5-day fasting method” effective for weight loss?

Many people want to pursue the diet method that can best reduce “body fat”. Manman nutritionists explain that there are currently few studies on “body fat reduction” diets. The reasons include that body fat measurement is difficult and prone to inaccuracy. Most studies on diet and body obesity focus on measuring BMI, waist circumference and weight. Among them, the “Mediterranean Diet”, which mainly contains vegetables and fish, is more suitable for a balanced diet and is suitable for long-term implementation. When you encounter the “hitting wall” period of weight loss, it will also be helpful to make appropriate adjustments to the Mediterranean diet to supplement the nutrients your body needs.

Is the “5-day fasting method” that has become popular on the Internet recently due to celebrities trying it, really able to lose weight quickly? Manman nutritionists believe that public figures will adopt more extreme diets due to their image and body needs. If adults want to control their weight, they should focus on long-term and safe methods.

Nutritionists recommend that before losing weight, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist to evaluate your own situation and discuss the most suitable lifestyle and dietary adjustments for you. Do not buy weight-loss drugs of unknown origin just for the sake of efficacy, or use steroids without authorization. Drugs to avoid adverse side effects of drugs causing physical harm, the gain outweighs the loss.

What kind of exercise is most effective for losing fat? Will running every day not make me lose weight?

Manman nutritionists pointed out that according to a 2012 American study: Sedentary, obese, and overweight adults were required to conduct resistance training, aerobic training, and comprehensive training at the same time for 8 months. The results show that the “aerobic training” and “comprehensive training” groups have greater reductions in total weight and body fat than the “resistance training” group alone; and the study shows that for patients with type 2 diabetes, comprehensive Training results in better weight loss.

Manman nutritionists believe that oxygen is required when fat is decomposed, so if you want to achieve fat loss through exercise, you can first perform “cardiopulmonary training”, such as brisk walking, walking on a slightly steeper slope, or on a treadmill to improve your physical strength and endurance. Then carry out advanced training, and the physical load will be more manageable. Studies have also shown that the body will only start to break down fat after exercising for more than 30 minutes, so “whether the exercise time is long enough” is also one of the training goals.

Nutritionists point out that the “running” exercise that is most commonly tried by most people is not the best advice for beginners to lose weight. When the jogging speed is too fast, the training intensity will enter the “medium-to-high intensity” stage. At this time, the body’s oxygen uptake may not be sufficient, and the fat loss effect is not as effective as brisk walking and hill climbing training.

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