Are the three highs affecting the brain, heart, and kidneys serious enough to cause "organ failure"? The ideal range should not exceed "this number"

Are the three highs affecting the brain, heart, and kidneys serious enough to cause "organ failure"? The ideal range should not exceed "this number"

The three highs have no obvious symptoms and are difficult to detect. Don’t ignore the procedures for taking medicine and returning to the clinic during the epidemic.

Three common chronic diseases among Taiwanese people: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood lipids are commonly known as the “three highs.” Since the three highs have no obvious symptoms in the early stages and do not cause obvious discomfort to the human body, they often make it difficult for people to notice and ignore the hidden diseases. danger. In fact, the “three highs” not only easily block blood vessels and impede blood flow, leading to stroke, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease, they may also lead to organ damage and failure in the long run, causing permanent harm to the body.

Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration reminds the public to develop healthy living habits, regularly measure blood pressure, blood sugar or draw blood to understand blood lipid data, and control weight. In addition, to avoid excessive fear during the epidemic, you should continue to take medication regularly and not stop taking medication without authorization, and return for regular follow-up visits. Do not delay the tracking, treatment and control of chronic diseases because of the epidemic.

What is the ideal range of three-high control? Taiwan Health Promotion Administration urges not to exceed “this number”

Taiwan Health Promotion Administration said that in addition to factors such as age and genetics, the risk factors for the “three highs” are also changes in diet and lifestyle, such as drinking sugary drinks, eating high-fat foods, and sitting for long periods of time and lacking exercise, etc. Hidden risk factors. Therefore, it is recommended that Taiwanese people can use the adult preventive health care services provided by the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration to regularly monitor whether their three high data are within the ideal range to prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases:

  1. Blood pressure value should be lower than 130/80mmHg.

  2. Fasting blood glucose should be lower than 100mg/dl.

  3. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) should be less than 130mg/dl.

In addition, postmenopausal women may have poorer vascular regulation due to reduced estrogen secretion. They are prone to hyperlipidemia and hypertension and should pay more attention to their health to avoid harming their own health.

Three highs may increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. “4 Measures” to Reduce the Threat of Chronic Diseases

According to the results of the National Nutrition and Health Status Change Survey from 2017 to 2020, the prevalence rates of the three high blood pressure among Taiwanese over 18 years old are: 27% high blood pressure, 11.1% high blood sugar, and 26% high blood lipids. According to research results from the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration in 2018, the risk of subsequent stroke/heart disease in cases of hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia is 1.72/1.78 times, 1.43/1.47 times, and 1.36/1.43 times respectively.

Director of the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration Wu Zhaojun called on the “three highs” to be preventable. Taiwanese should start from the source, develop a healthy lifestyle, conduct regular health examinations, and control their weight. He also provided three tips to help people prevent and control chronic diseases. Occurrence of disease:

  1. Measure values ​​regularly. Pay attention to the changes in your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid data, through early examination and early treatment, and implement self-blood pressure measurement at home, based on the “722” principle: “7” measurement for seven consecutive days, “2” after getting up in the morning, and at night Before going to bed, measure once and “2” twice each time to keep track of your health status. Those with abnormal health examination results should seek medical treatment as soon as possible so that their condition can be properly controlled.

  2. Maintain a normal weight. The waist circumference of adult men should be kept below 90 cm, and the waist circumference of women should be kept below 80 cm. The weight part is based on the BMI (kg/m2) value to maintain a healthy weight. If you find that your waist circumference or weight has increased, you should check yourself. Make timely adjustments to your recent diet and physical activity to effectively control the three highs.

  3. Eat a balanced diet. Follow the dietary principles of “less oil, less salt, less sugar and high fiber”, eat an appropriate amount of fruits and natural foods, and replace sugary drinks with boiled water.

  4. Exercise regularly. Be physically active for 30 minutes a day and up to 150 minutes a week to reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Further reading:

Diagnosis of hyperlipidemia doubles risk of death! Doctors name three “risk groups”: bad cholesterol should not exceed “this number”

Is exercise effective in lowering cholesterol? Eating less red meat is the only solution? Doctor: “Arteriosclerosis analysis” helps identify potential risks

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