Is there heavy training or is it "difficult to lose weight"? No matter how much you practice if you make dietary mistakes, it will be useless! Fitness coach announces "Weekly fat loss menu"

Is there heavy training or is it "difficult to lose weight"? No matter how much you practice if you make dietary mistakes, it will be useless! Fitness coach announces "Weekly fat loss menu"

Is “eating right” more important than exercise? Coach Hu Xiaoxin, the manager of the Good Habits Exercise Classroom, said that we often hear fitness coaches or bodybuilders advocate the concept of “70% food, 30% exercise”. In fact, diet does play a very critical role in weight loss or muscle building. If you eat the right foods and consume them in appropriate proportions, it can help bodybuilders get twice the result with half the effort during exercise, and it will also help those who lose weight to be less likely to gain weight again.

If you can’t lose weight even though you exercise, is there a problem with your “diet”? “3 major nutrients” distribution is more important than training

Coach Hu Xiaoxin pointed out that bodybuilders must pay attention to the “three major nutrients” in their diet: protein, carbohydrates and fat, and should mainly focus on “prototype foods”. If you consume too much “refined starch” on a daily basis, such as bread, cakes and other snacks, and also eat fried chicken legs and fried pork ribs for dinner, the amount of starch will easily be excessive, making it difficult to achieve results in training or weight loss.

However, the popularity of healthy eating in recent years has caused many people to change their minds when they hear the word “starch”. Does losing weight mean consuming as little starch as possible? Coach Hu Xiaoxin clarified that the more protein and less starch you eat during heavy training, the better; without supplementing an appropriate amount of carbohydrates before and after exercise, the glycogen in the muscles will easily be over-consumed, making it difficult to accumulate muscle mass. Therefore, bodybuilders must have sufficient starch intake and combine it with long-term training to achieve obvious results.

“Many people want to lose weight but are worried about regaining weight. In fact, moderate weight training combined with aerobics, and paying attention to the deployment of the three major nutrients can help minimize the risk of regaining weight!” Coach Hu Xiaoxin said that if you exercise on If you are not satisfied with your figure, you should first examine whether your eating habits are not good, rather than increasing the amount of training. “If you don’t control your diet, the effect of your three-month training may not be as effective as someone else’s one-month training.”

What is the most appropriate way to take in nutrients? Coach Hu Xiaoxin explained that if you have heavy training or exercise habits, you need a certain amount of muscle mass, so the demand for protein and carbohydrates is higher. It is recommended to consume about 1.5-2 grams of protein per day, and 8 grams of carbohydrates per body weight. Mainly -12 grams; the amount of fat is the daily caloric intake minus the above two, and nuts, avocados, and fish can be the main sources of intake.

Fitness coach announces “One-week fat loss menu”! Office workers can easily prepare meals by following the “5 steps”

“Modern people are very busy, eat out and sit for long periods of time, so awareness of exercise is not enough!” Coach Hu Xiaoxin said that bodybuilders and even office workers or shift workers might as well try to learn the concept of “meal preparation”, that is, during the week Prepare the ingredients inside, cook them and divide them evenly into several lunch boxes. The advantage is that when you are too busy after exercise or have difficulty finding time to cook, you can get enough nutrients and you can also urge yourself not to eat other snacks or drinks. As for how to prepare meals correctly? Coach Hu Xiaoxin recommends mastering the following principles:

  1. Prepare “stable” ingredients. In terms of vegetables or starches, you can choose sweet potatoes, potatoes, onions, bell peppers, carrots or broccoli, etc.

  2. Ensure a good source of protein. Such as salmon, chicken breast, boiled eggs, etc. Among them, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, contains good protein and oil, and can absorb two kinds of nutrients at one time. In addition, deep-sea fish such as mackerel and cod, as well as beef with less fat content such as dice beef, are also excellent sources of protein.

  3. Simple cooking and seasoning. The above ingredients can be diced and cut into pieces, then quickly stir-fried or dry-fried in vegetable oil (such as olive oil, sunflower oil), and seasoned with a little salt. If your eating habits are on the heavy side, it is recommended to add pepper, salt and pepper or thin salt soy sauce to enhance the flavor, and do not pair it with high-oil sauces such as sweet chili sauce and sand tea sauce.

  4. Use the “211” dinner plate. The “211” ratio principle is 2 parts of vegetables, 1 part of starch and 1 part of protein. For example, for one meal, you can prepare 1 portion of corn shoots, 1 portion of cauliflower, 1 bowl of brown rice or 1-2 potatoes, and finally add sliced ​​salmon or mackerel to ensure a nutritionally balanced meal.

  5. Choose a suitable procurement platform. Coach Hu Xiaoxin said that office workers often encounter the dilemma of “not enough time” or “too little meal money” when preparing meals. Therefore, if you want to buy fresh fish and other ingredients, you may wish to choose an online shopping platform that delivers products directly from the source. Purchasing ingredients at “wholesale prices” is not only economical and affordable, but also avoids going to markets and mass merchandisers to come into contact with people and cause doubts about diagnosis.

Finally, coach Hu Xiaoxin reminded that in addition to changes in eating habits, bodybuilders should remember to drink more water in daily life. The daily intake should exceed body weight x 30cc, and those who lose weight can increase it to 40cc. In addition, developing the habit of going to bed early and getting up early and sleeping more than 7 hours a day will also have a bonus effect on training. If you have any incurable problems in fitness, you can consult a nutritionist, doctor or fitness coach to get the most professional answers.

Further reading:

Can’t get enough biceps? Coach reveals 3 major blind spots: Isolation training can improve muscle destruction

Can you build muscle without drinking protein powder? Experts reveal the “8 major foods” you must eat to gain muscle. People who are underweight should understand more

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