Are heavy schoolbags and fondness for playing video games the main causes of scoliosis? Medical advice: If you have any doubts, first use "1 test" to clarify

Many people are worried that poor sitting posture may cause “scoliosis”; parents also often warn their children about the importance of sitting with a correct posture. Dr. Chen Taizong, the attending physician of the Rehabilitation Department of Guangtian General Hospital, said in an exclusive interview that in fact, scoliosis may be related to congenital spinal deformity and muscle imbalance caused by poor posture. If you have any doubts, you should seek medical advice in advance and do not worry too much or listen to others. False rumors.
Is the schoolbag too heavy and the sitting posture prone to scoliosis? Doctor: If the temperature exceeds “10 degrees or more”, treatment is required
What behaviors increase the likelihood of scoliosis? What is the prevalence rate in Taiwan? Dr. Chen Taizong explained that in clinical practice, frontal X-rays are used to assist in diagnosis. Scoliosis can only be defined if the spine curvature reaches “more than 10 degrees.” The prevalence rate in Taiwan is about 3-5%, of which 85% are adolescents aged 10-18 years old. The male-to-female ratio is 1:10. Compared with men, women have a higher risk of developing scoliosis.
Dr. Chen Taizong further pointed out that scoliosis can be divided into two major categories: “structural scoliosis” and “non-structural scoliosis”. Structural scoliosis is caused by congenital variations in the shape of the spine, such as cerebral palsy. , leg length and other factors; non-structural scoliosis can be divided into “primary scoliosis” caused by no obvious factors, and “functional scoliosis” caused by muscle imbalance due to poor posture, etc. 2 kinds.
Dr. Chen Taizong said that clinically it has been found that younger age and larger angles of scoliosis are risk factors for aggravating the severity of scoliosis. The so-called bad standing or sitting posture and carrying a heavy school bag may “cause” scoliosis are exaggerated. The main cause is that bad living habits aggravate back pain, making people easily mistaken for scoliosis. .
Parents, stop worrying! If there are signs of scoliosis, first use this test to confirm
What appearances may be signs of scoliosis? Dr. Chen Taizong reminds parents that if their child has a skewed head, big or small face, crooked chin, malocclusion, big or small chest, high and low shoulders, pelvic tilt, protruding ribs, etc., these may be symptoms of scoliosis. It is recommended to use clothes before bathing. In situations where there is less shielding, the “Asia Curvature Test” can be used to confirm whether the child has scoliosis:
Ask the child to bend forward to 90 degrees.
With your hands hanging down, stand behind and to the side of the subject and observe the appearance of the back.
If the upper back has different heights from left to right and there is an obvious bulge, then scoliosis is suspected and the child should be taken to the hospital for examination immediately.
Is it possible that the discomfort caused by a child playing video games or reading and writing in the same position for too long, or that the schoolbag is too heavy or the strap is too long, is scoliosis? Dr. Chen Taizong clarified that in fact, the above situation may be low back pain caused by imbalance of upper and lower back muscles, and is not necessarily related to the angle of sitting or standing posture. However, maintaining good posture in daily life can indeed reduce pain and improve quality of life.
Does scoliosis cause “diminished cardiopulmonary function”? Doctors warn: Failure to seek medical advice early may lead to surgery!
Is scoliosis related to “decreased cardiorespiratory function”? Dr. Chen Taizong said that severe scoliosis can compress the heart and lungs, which in turn affects breathing and causes patients to hyperventilate. Symptoms affecting cardiopulmonary function mainly refer to children having significantly insufficient lung capacity and cardiopulmonary endurance compared with the same age, prone to hyperpnea, respiratory tract infections that are difficult to recover from (cough, phlegm, wheezing). If there are any relevant signs, it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible for clarification.
If scoliosis is diagnosed, what treatments can help with recovery? Dr. Chen Taizong explained that clinically, a corresponding treatment plan will be established based on the angle of scoliosis and the age of the patient. According to the different angles of scoliosis, it can be roughly divided into the following three treatment modes:
The scoliosis angle is less than 20 degrees: It is recommended to receive posture correction and exercise therapy under the guidance of a physical therapist, and follow-up examinations every six months to observe whether the angle has worsened.
Scoliosis angle between 20-40 degrees: In addition to the assistance of exercise therapy, a corrective brace should be worn to avoid worsening of symptoms, and follow-up examinations should be performed every 3-6 months. The important thing is that brace correction requires time to gain correction effect. Only if you wear it for 13 hours a day or more can the correction effect be achieved. If you only wear it at night, the correction effect will be prolonged and the effect may be limited.
The scoliosis angle reaches 45 degrees in the thoracic spine/50 degrees in the lumbar spine: Because the continued deterioration may accelerate, surgical treatment is recommended.
Dr. Chen Taizong appeals to the public that if children are suspected of scoliosis during their physical development, they should go to the hospital to receive an objective X-ray examination. They should not listen to false statements on the Internet or hold on to wrong myths that lead to delays in seeking medical treatment. If the scoliosis angle is greater than 10 degrees, you should actively cooperate with exercise therapy and posture correction to pay attention to the symptoms of body pain and imbalance, which can help the child’s scoliosis symptoms to improve as soon as possible and return to a normal lifestyle.
“At present, the medical community still urgently needs to develop methods to prevent scoliosis. However, active screening to identify cases and provide medical assistance will be very helpful for children’s future physical development and psychological self-confidence!”
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