Is it healthier to "ejaculate" often? Australian study: Meeting the weekly "number of cleanings" can reduce prostate cancer by 36%

The “prostate” can be said to be the “lifeline” of the male lower body. In addition to being crucial to the “virile” performance in bed, the prostate is also closely related to functions such as urination and semen production. As age increases, men will face various prostate problems after the age of 50, which not only affect sexual function, but may also cause prostate cancer, causing symptoms such as irregular urination, frequent urination, and unclean urine.
The prostate is one of the organs that produces semen. Does the frequency of ejaculation affect the risk of prostate cancer? Harvard University in the United States has released a study claiming that the frequency of male ejaculation in youth is indeed related to the probability of suffering from prostate cancer in old age.
Young men ejaculating “21 times a month” linked to lower risk of prostate cancer in later life?
Harvard University has collected relevant data from 29,342 subjects aged 46-81 since 1986 to understand their monthly ejaculation frequency in adolescence (20-29 years old) and middle age (40-49 years). Ejaculation behavior includes sexual intercourse. , wet dreams and masturbation. Subjects completed questionnaires on ejaculation frequency and lifestyle every two years until the end of 2000.
The research team found that men who ejaculated more frequently had a lower risk of prostate cancer. Compared with men who ejaculated 4-7 times a month, men who ejaculated 21 times a month were 31% less likely to develop prostate cancer. Even if the subject’s living habits, family background and prostate-specific antigen index (PSA) are included in the evaluation, it still does not affect the final result.
According to statistics from Harvard Health Publishing, a study involving 2,338 Australian men also showed similar results. Research shows that men who ejaculate an average of 4.6-7 times per week have a 36% lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ejaculate less than 2.3 times per week. Research also claims that those who ejaculate more frequently in youth are most significantly associated with the risk of prostate cancer in later life.
Is it still harmful to ejaculate too frequently? Always rely on “these 3 tips” to protect your prostate health
Although scientific research claims that ejaculation is related to the prevention of prostate cancer, excessive ejaculation may affect the frequency and rhythm of sexual intercourse, and may also cause psychological stress for men. Excessive ejaculation is still harmful. If men want to maintain a healthy prostate and maintain their virility, they should maintain the following lifestyle habits, which can be regarded as ways to prevent prostate cancer:
Quit smoking or drinking habits. Scientific research mostly points to a link between prostate cancer and long-term bad habits. Those who have the habit of smoking or drinking alcohol should quit as soon as possible to maintain prostate health.
Exercise regularly. Male sexual ability will decline with age. Through exercise, you have the opportunity to slow down the rate of hormonal decline, thereby ensuring normal prostate function.
Eat a healthy diet. The American Urological Association has released research indicating that men who consume more fruits and vegetables have lower PSA levels and may be less likely to develop prostate cancer. Although this study cannot determine a causal link between the two, a “plant-based diet” mainly composed of fruits and vegetables does bring cardiovascular benefits and is expected to indirectly promote prostate health.
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