Will "having lead in your head" really make you stupid? Study: Lead exposure can lower IQ by up to 6 points

Will "having lead in your head" really make you stupid? Study: Lead exposure can lower IQ by up to 6 points

Is it true that having lead in your head will make you stupid? Research from Duke University in the United States points out that excessive exposure to lead gas and lead-containing substances in children or adolescents may lead to brain aging, brain cell necrosis, and even a decrease in IQ.

The research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Study author Aaron Reuben said that although the use of unleaded gasoline was banned in the United States after 1996, the risk of overexposure to lead gas in children was still quite high during the 1960s and 1970s. This means that the brain structure of middle-aged people currently aged 50-60 is still affected to a certain extent.

Lead-containing substances reduce per capita intelligence by 3 points, and children may suffer from cognitive decline and intellectual disability

Reuben and his research team collected data on U.S. children’s blood lead levels, lead gas use, and lead poisoning demographics to calculate the potential risk of lead exposure for Americans. Studies have pointed out that the most direct damage caused by lead to the human body is the brain structure, so the loss of “intelligence points” has become a key observation item of the research team.

Research results show that as of 2015, more than 170 million Americans had elevated levels of lead in their blood. Most people have inhaled excessive amounts of lead-containing gas or been exposed to lead-containing materials (such as batteries) since childhood. This can lead to reduced brain size, increased rates of mental illness and cardiovascular disease, and lower overall intelligence points.

In addition, lead exposure in childhood reduces the intelligence points of the average American by 3 points, and those born in the mid-to-late 1960s can lose up to 6 points in intelligence points. Reuben said these changes are enough to make an individual’s cognitive ability below average, and may put children at increased risk of “intellectual disability” (an intelligence point below 70).

Taiwan also has a problem of excessive “lead exposure”? Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare offers “4 suggestions” to prevent poisoning

“What is worrying is that many developing countries still have excessive lead exposure.” Reuben pointed out that about 800 million children around the world are still exposed to high concentrations of lead substances, and this mainly occurs in countries with insufficient regulation of lead emissions. among countries. The scope of lead exposure is huge, involving water pollution, air pollution, electrical appliance pollution, etc. Without relevant regulatory measures, it may be difficult to prevent it.

Even though the United Nations has announced in 2021 that the “last barrel” of leaded gas oil has passed into history; Taiwan also gradually phased out leaded gas oil as early as the 1990s, but paint, engineering solder, cheap toys and other items in daily life Too much lead may still be present. In order to avoid the impact of excessive lead on the human body, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration makes the following recommendations:

  1. In the morning or after returning home, let the faucet run for 1-2 minutes before using it. Faucets and water pipes must be approved by the Bureau of Standards and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. If you have concerns about water quality, it is recommended to choose a reverse osmosis water purifier.

  2. Crystal glass, dye-containing containers, toys and other objects may contain lead and should be prevented from being handled or played by infants and young children.

  3. Children should avoid staying for too long in areas with peeling paint, fresh paint or welding operations. It is recommended to use water-based paint approved by the Ministry of Interior.

  4. Parents should wear work clothes when working with lead, change quickly after get off work, change clothes, and take a shower before returning home.

The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration pointed out that the effects of lead exposure on the human body are irreversible, and reminded the public to be extra cautious when dealing with lead-containing substances to avoid causing personal health concerns and affecting children’s brain development.


Lead exposure health education measures-Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration

Half of US population exposed to adverse lead levels in early childhood

Lead exposure in the last century shrank IQ scores of half of Americans, study finds

Further reading:

Air pollution not only damages lungs and heart disease, but may increase mortality by 31%! 6 actions for self-protection against PM2.5

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