After having her double eyelids removed, she ate spicy hotpot and was rushed to the hospital with "tragic consequences"! What you should know before undergoing eyelid surgery

After having her double eyelids removed, she ate spicy hotpot and was rushed to the hospital with "tragic consequences"! What you should know before undergoing eyelid surgery

Is there any chance that double eyelids will grow back the day after tomorrow? Can double eyelid surgery improve the size of the eyes?

I have had single eyelids since I was a child. Will I have to choose double eyelid surgery when I grow up? Dr. Cai Yunda from the Pure Aesthetics Clinic said that there are many factors that can cause changes in the eyelids during the growth process, making the original double eyelids obvious, such as muscle development, the gradual maturation of the coordination of nerves and bones, and even the disappearance of baby fat. reason. The double eyelids of this group of people only “hide” temporarily, and will change more obviously after development.

However, the truly deep-rooted “single eyelid structure” is difficult to change due to development. Instead, it is more common to see sagging eyelids, creases, and drastic changes in body shape after aging, which may lead to the so-called “acquired” double eyelid type. state.

Dr. Cai Yunda pointed out that some people hope to improve eye asymmetry with double eyelid surgery. In fact, there are many reasons for eye asymmetry, and double eyelid surgery can only partially achieve coordination between the size of the eyes. Other causes of asymmetry, such as strabismus and high and low eyes, still require muscle therapy or eyelid levator surgery to achieve improvement.

What is the difference between double eyelid surgery and double eyelid suturing? Who is not suitable for double eyelid surgery?

What is the difference between “double eyelid cutting” and “double eyelid suturing”? Dr. Cai Yunda said that “double eyelid suturing” uses special positioning equipment and wires to sew the eyelids locally to create natural creases. The postoperative recovery is faster and the damage to the skin tissue is less. It is only about the size of a staple hole, and the swelling usually subsides in a week to half a month.

As for “double eyelid surgery”, a harmonious double eyelid ratio is adjusted between the eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes, and an arc-shaped incision is made at an appropriate height and then fixed. The effect is obvious and long-lasting, and it can also solve the problems of loose eyelids, drooping of the tail of the eye, bubble eyes, goldfish eyes, large and small eyes, and weakness of the eyelid levator muscles.

Dr. Cai Yunda explained that many people are not suitable for double eyelid suturing, mainly those with thin eyelids, less eye socket fat, and less sagging eyelids will have better results. On the other hand, if there are other combined problems, double eyelid surgery will be recommended. Generally speaking, there are no contraindications for double eyelid surgery. Only people with diabetes, abnormal coagulation function, or cystic swelling of the feet should consult a doctor first. In addition, some patients with bulging eyes caused by hyperthyroidism are recommended to undergo double eyelid surgery evaluation after the treatment is stable, so that the judgment of the crease height will be more accurate.

Can failed double eyelid surgery be repaired? Postoperative care is the key

Dr. Cai Yunda said that if the double eyelid treatment is not good, the crease height can indeed be adjusted again. Many people think that “double eyelid failure” is mostly related to improper aesthetics or postoperative care. After double eyelid surgery, patients should pay attention to regular gentle cleaning, avoid touching water for a week, avoid bowing their heads and doing strenuous work, and reduce spicy or irritating foods. Do not overuse or rub your eyes, and try not to wear contact lenses within two weeks to avoid affecting the healing process and increasing the chance of infection.

Patients who have the habit of wearing makeup should not wear eye makeup before the sutures are removed. They should wait for the wound to heal and dry before using eye makeup to avoid causing pigmentation. There may still be bruises and swelling after the sutures are removed. The recovery time depends on the individual’s physical condition, so don’t worry too much.

Dr. Cai Yunda pointed out that there was a middle-aged woman who underwent double eyelid surgery and orbital fat removal surgery. She ate spicy hot pot three days after the operation. Her eyes were swollen and stinging that night, and she was completely unable to sleep. The wound even leaked tissue fluid. , and applying ointments randomly made the inflammation worse. Seek emergency medical treatment with intravenous drip and medication. Fortunately, the wound did not worsen and the patient finally stopped eating two months after the operation.

Dr. Cai Yunda reminds that if you undergo double eyelid surgery, you should avoid spicy or irritating foods after the operation, and do not consume tobacco, alcohol, traditional Chinese medicine health foods and other supplements to prevent edema from recurring or affecting wound healing.

Further reading:

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