Not enough hand cream? If you don't take the "6 measures" for hand care Taiwan Food and Drug Administration: I might be busy in vain

Not enough hand cream? If you don't take the "6 measures" for hand care Taiwan Food and Drug Administration: I might be busy in vain

When hands are dry, rough, or washed too much, the skin can easily wrinkle or lose elasticity. At this time, many people will use “hand cream” to maintain the skin of their hands. The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration stated in the “Drug and Food Safety Weekly” that hand cream can indeed help moisturize and protect hands, but regular cleaning, sun protection and other measures must be taken in order to make the hand cream Get the most out of it.

Isn’t applying “hand cream” enough for hand care? If you fail to do the “6 measures”, you may be busy in vain

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration pointed out that there are many reasons for dry and wrinkled hand skin, such as natural aging, excessive cleaning, contact with too many detergents, excessive exposure to the sun, smoking, etc. Therefore, it is recommended that people use the following methods to maintain soft skin on their hands:

  1. Pay attention to the temperature of hand washing water. When washing your hands, it is recommended to wash your hands with slightly cold water, because water temperature that is too high can easily wash away sebum and damage the skin barrier.

  2. Apply hand cream evenly. After washing your hands, you can use hand cream to moisturize your hands and reduce moisture loss.

  3. Use exfoliation as a supplement. You can moderately use scrubs and other products on your finger joints to remove dead skin cells.

  4. Use sun protection thoroughly. It is recommended to wear sleeves when driving or riding a bicycle to protect your hands from UV exposure. You can also apply sunscreen appropriately to protect your skin.

  5. Give your hands adequate rest. If you are engaged in more rough work that requires lifting heavy objects, or work that requires your hands to be soaked in chemicals, you must be careful not to overwork your hands and remember to take appropriate rest.

  6. Replenish water appropriately. Drinking enough 2,000cc of boiled water every day not only helps the body function, but also helps stabilize the skin’s oil-to-water ratio and maintain the skin’s moisturizing level.

Can’t apply hand cream and stick to it everywhere? Taiwan Food and Drug Administration: Just do “2 more actions” to solve the problem

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration pointed out that the ingredients of commercially available hand cream products are similar to lotions and creams. Oily ingredients such as oils, waxes, and fatty acids are commonly added, as well as water-based ingredients such as water, polyols, and water-soluble polymers, supplemented by Emulsifiers, preservatives, pigments, fragrances and functional ingredients, etc. are mainly used to moisturize and moisturize hand skin.

Therefore, when applying hand cream, you may wish to take “two major steps” to maximize the effect of the hand cream: one is to “wet your hands before applying hand cream.” After washing your hands, you can apply hand cream while your hands are slightly damp. If your hands feel dry, you can moisten them slightly before applying hand cream to make them easier to apply. The second is to “apply hand cream and wear gloves before going to bed.” Apply hand cream before going to bed and wear cotton gloves to sleep. This can prevent the hand cream from staining the sheets or quilts, and the hands will become dry after getting up. Tender and pretty.

Finally, the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration urges the public to pay attention to whether they are approved cosmetics for specific purposes before purchasing cosmeceuticals or related paraphernalia. The identification method is that importers must print “Ministry of Health (Department) Cosmetic Production No. OOOOOO” on the outer packaging, domestic products must print “Ministry of Health (Department) Cosmetic Production No. OOOOOO”, and Chinese importers must print “Ministry of Health (Department) Cosmetic No. OOOOOO” (Department) Zhuang Lu Shou Zi No. OOOOOO". If you want to inquire about relevant information, you can also go to the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration website for further inquiries.


Take care of your hands! Taiwan Food and Drug Administration teaches you how to use hand cream correctly

Further reading:

Does eating meat make your skin age faster? Doctors reveal 3 keys to aging skin: Sun protection is important

Is air pollution harmful to the skin? Will you risk “skin age breakdown” if you neglect washing your face? Doctor: Choose the right “3 ingredients” to block dirt

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