Half of middle-aged men suffer from "prostatic hypertrophy"? Medical reminder: Failure to treat in time may damage male virility

Half of middle-aged men suffer from "prostatic hypertrophy"? Medical reminder: Failure to treat in time may damage male virility

November is also known as “Movember” (beard month, men’s month) every year. It aims to encourage the public to pay more attention to men’s health, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, depression, male urinary disorders and other related diseases, and thereby improve men’s health. Society’s perception of male diseases. Among them, “prostate hypertrophy” is one of the common health problems in men.

Half of men over 50 have enlarged prostate? Medical reminder: Failure to treat in time will damage male virility

Professor Que Shijie, director of the Department of Urology at National Taiwan University Hospital, said that about half of men over 50 years old have prostate hypertrophy, and the incidence rate will increase year by year with age. Prostate hypertrophy may cause frequent urination, nocturia, Symptoms such as urination disorders, if treatment is delayed, are more likely to affect bladder and even kidney health, so it is important to grasp the timing of treatment.

In this regard, Professor Que Shijie pointed out that the treatment of prostate hypertrophy is divided into drug treatment and surgical treatment. In recent years, the treatment trend of prostate hypertrophy is “prostate retraction surgery”, which in addition to having lower surgical risks, is also relatively painless. Postoperative complications. Significantly shortens the postoperative recovery period. In particular, the absence of any new erectile dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation problems is its advantage.

Doctors remind that prostate hypertrophy is a disease that every man needs to pay attention to. If the public suspects symptoms of prostate hypertrophy, it is recommended to go to the clinic as soon as possible and actively consult a doctor to understand the treatment method that suits you and regain a good life. Quality, maintain a healthy life.

Not only middle-aged men are at risk? People with obesity and family history should pay attention

The global charity movement “Movember Beard Month” every November is a movement launched to encourage men to pay attention to health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and depression. Therefore, it is also called Men’s Health Month. Among them, prostate cancer Hypertrophy is the most common physiological change of the urinary tract in middle-aged and older men. However, statistics show that even when men are in physical pain, they still often delay or refuse medical treatment because of the traditional male need to maintain a strong image.

Professor Que Shijie pointed out that about half of men over 50 years old have prostate hypertrophy, and the incidence rate increases year by year with age. Men with a family history of prostate hypertrophy and obese men are more likely to have prostate hypertrophy. High-risk groups. Because the initial symptoms may only be mild frequent urination, patients are likely to ignore it and delay seeking medical treatment. In the middle and later stages, it may cause symptoms such as nocturia and urination disorders. In addition to seriously affecting the quality of life, it may also cause extended physical and psychological problems.

With the advent of an aging society, the problem of prostate hypertrophy requires more and more attention. According to research, according to statistics from the Department of Health, only 30% of men over the age of 50 actively receive treatment for prostate hypertrophy, and some male patients refuse treatment because they are worried about the risk of long-term complications after treatment. Professor Que Shijie added that delaying treatment may lead to bladder degeneration and thus affect kidney function, so it is important to grasp the timing of treatment.

The new trend in prostate hyperplasia treatment! Prostate dilatation surgery has good prognosis and maintains male virility

Treatment for prostate hyperplasia is divided into drug treatment and surgical treatment. Drug treatment can help patients improve symptoms of difficulty urinating, but may also cause side effects such as dizziness, postural hypotension, gynecomastia, or erectile dysfunction. If it cannot be controlled with medication, further surgical treatment is required. Traditional surgeries are mainly bipolar electrocautery curettage or laser enucleation. Although they can quickly and effectively improve patients’ urinary difficulties, the postoperative recovery period takes 2-3 months; postoperative complications may occur, such as It is side effects such as sexual dysfunction (1-3%) and retrograde ejaculation (40-60%).

However, Professor Que Shijie said that the trend in the treatment of prostate hypertrophy in recent years has been minimally invasive and low-invasive treatment (Minimal Invasive Surgical Therapy, MIST), which includes “prostate stretching surgery”, which uses minimally invasive surgery to remove the hyperplasia. The prostate is tightened and the diameter of the urethral lumen is increased to achieve effective and rapid treatment results. Since there is no need to incise tissue during the operation, damage to the urethral mucosa can be reduced, so the amount of bleeding is extremely low, greatly reducing the risk of surgery. It will not cause sexual dysfunction and ejaculation disorders, and can solve the main reason why most men are unwilling to accept treatment for prostate hypertrophy. .

Professor Que Shijie shared that in the past, some patients had been troubled by prostate hypertrophy for a long time, but due to the nature of their work, they were unable to spare 2-3 months for treatment and recovery. Later, because the patient was about to travel abroad with his family, in order to prevent the symptoms of prostate hypertrophy from getting worse during the trip abroad, and not wanting to disrupt the family’s interest in traveling, after discussing with the doctor, he decided to choose a prostate cancer treatment that can provide immediate results and a short recovery period after surgery. Pull open surgery. In the end, the patient not only traveled abroad as scheduled, but also did not suffer from urinary disorders and postoperative recovery, and successfully regained his original quality of life.

Finally, Professor Que Shijie reminded that prostate hypertrophy is a natural aging phenomenon that every man needs to pay attention to. If people suspect that they have symptoms of prostate hypertrophy, it is recommended that they use the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) symptom scale to understand the health of their lower urinary tract and avoid delaying symptoms such as nocturia, frequent urination, slow urination, and dribbling. It is also recommended that middle-aged and elderly men should arrange to go to outpatient clinics regularly to receive PSA index testing, hoping that any problems can be detected and treated early. Even if drug treatment is no longer controllable, you should actively and honestly discuss the condition with a urologist, detect it early and actively consult with the doctor to learn about the treatment that suits you, regain a good quality of life, and maintain a healthy life.

Further reading:

What to do if you have chronic prostate inflammation? Are holding in urine and sitting for long periods of time more dangerous? Doctor: If you have any problems with urination, seek medical attention immediately.

Are you having problems urinating at the age of 26? Doctors reveal the three major dangers of “chronic prostatitis”: treating erectile dysfunction too late

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