What is "growing new crown"? How long will symptoms last? Experts reveal "four types of people" are most affected

What are the common symptoms of COVID-19? Fear of prolonged brain fog, insomnia, and breathlessness
The number of confirmed cases of Omicron in Taiwan is increasing day by day. Although many people have been vaccinated and the authorities have decided to coexist with the virus, the complications that will arise after diagnosis are still one of the most worrying issues for the people. Among them, various sequelae caused by suffering from “Long Covid” may cause considerable damage to the human body. To this day, the academic community still cannot explain exactly why COVID-19 occurs.
According to the guidance of the British National Health Service (NHS), symptoms of COVID-19 include extreme tiredness and fatigue, breathlessness, chest pain or tightness, brain fog, insomnia, heart palpitations, changes in smell and taste, joint pain, nausea and vomiting or tinnitus, etc., and may even affect The patient’s mental state will increase the risk of depression and anxiety. The NHS says most symptoms of COVID-19 will fully recover within 12 weeks, but for some people symptoms may last longer.
Who is susceptible to COVID-19? Category 4 people may have a higher incidence rate
Why does COVID-19 occur? What may be the causes? The guidelines of the American Medical Association (AMA) mention that COVID-19 is divided into three major categories: first, direct cell damage caused by infection with the virus; second, caused by moderate to severe cases while hospitalized; third, after recovery. Only then did relevant symptoms appear. The onset time of COVID-19 is still difficult to determine, and may be related to the patient’s health and whether he or she has been vaccinated.
David Strain, an infectious disease expert at the British National Health Service, mentioned in an exclusive interview that based on existing data, it can be known that four types of people are more likely to develop COVID-19 after being infected with the epidemic: those with blood clots and capillary damage (such as cardiovascular disease); People with congenital immune deficiencies (such as immunodeficiency), people with neurological abnormalities, and people with impaired metabolic systems (such as diabetes, insulin resistance).
“The new coronavirus may block microvessels and cause rapid damage to the “mitochondria” in cells in the body. This is why patients with COVID-19 are prone to burnout. Strain cited research in the “Biochemical Journal” as showing that tiny “clots” in the blood may produce long-term COVID-19 symptoms by preventing oxygen from being transported to body tissues. This means that people whose blood vessels in the body have poor oxygen transport function will have an increased chance of developing COVID-19.
The latest research released at the European Congress of Clinical Biology and Infectious Diseases in April this year alleged that damage to the “vagus nerve” is one of the causes of many COVID-19 symptoms. Among the 350 subjects, 66% experienced abnormal heart rate, dizziness and gastrointestinal problems, which are believed to be closely related to damage to the vagus nerve. However, the research team stated that COVID-19 is related to at least more than 200 different symptoms, and nerve damage cannot explain the condition of all patients.
How to avoid COVID-19? Experts urge vaccination as soon as possible
As for what methods can be used to avoid COVID-19 attacks? Statistics released by the British Health and Safety Authority (UKHSA) point out that vaccination against the virus can significantly reduce the incidence of COVID-19. Devang Sanghavi, a medical expert at the American Medical Association, said that relevant units should establish multidisciplinary institutions or dedicated clinics to deal with the problem of COVID-19.
Sanghavi pointed out that there have been cases where COVID-19 symptoms lasted for nearly 2 years because they were not vaccinated in time. They were even unable to walk and talk like ordinary people, and they would suffer from excessive panting as long as they exercised strenuously. When fatigue lingers, daily life and work are severely affected.
“COVID-19 is a multi-layered, multi-organ problem. Long-term COVID-19 symptoms are like the COVID-19 virus itself, which will affect all organ systems in the body, and even children may be affected. Therefore, vaccination should be administered as soon as possible to maintain a certain level of immunity. Protective power. Even if there is a “breakthrough infection”, it can still ensure that the chance of contracting COVID-19 will be significantly reduced,” Sanghavi said.
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Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, on the latest long COVID-19 research
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