Is "growing a new crown" causing bleeding? Study: Abnormal coagulation function increases by 4 times if you don't exercise

Is "growing a new crown" causing bleeding? Study: Abnormal coagulation function increases by 4 times if you don't exercise

Even if many people diagnosed with COVID-19 recover, they still have symptoms ranging from brain fog, excessive wheezing, shortness of breath, and memory loss 2 to 3 months later. This disease is called “Post-COVID Syndrome” (Post-COVID syndrome (PCS), commonly known as “Long Covid” (Long Covid).

The symptoms of COVID-19 vary depending on the patient’s constitution. Currently, there is no consensus among the academic community on why COVID-19 occurs and which ethnic groups it most commonly occurs in. In addition to the above-mentioned cognitive function-related symptoms, scientists have also found that COVID-19 will cause serious damage to the human body’s “coagulation function” and is also related to the “decline in exercise performance” trend of diagnosed patients.

COVID-19 causes “abnormal coagulation function” in patients, and exercise performance may decline

Dr. Melissa Heightman, a medical expert at University College London, and her team evaluated people diagnosed with COVID-19 between July 2020 and December 2021. The team analyzed the “Vin Weberian factor” (VWF, a protein with blood coagulation function) and “ADAMTS13” (a protein that cleaves or splices VWF to prevent blood vessel obstruction) in the subjects, Abnormal blood clotting markers in subjects are measured.

The subjects completed a series of exercise tests, such as walking on a flat surface, standing and sitting repeatedly, etc. Oxygen monitors were used throughout to measure body oxygen supply and lactic acid levels. “When the oxygen in the body is depleted, the body will start to produce lactic acid, and lactic acid can be converted into energy without oxygen supply. Therefore, if the body’s oxygen supply decreases and lactic acid levels increase during exercise, it means that the subject’s exercise The ability is impaired,” Heightman said.

Research results show that 20% of subjects have elevated lactic acid levels and impaired exercise ability; 55% of subjects with impaired exercise ability have “Wen-Weber factor” and “Factor VIII” in their bodies ( The concentration of two proteins, Factor Vllll, is significantly increased, which means that the body needs more coagulation factors to cope with abnormal coagulation.

In addition, studies have also pointed out that an increased ratio of Wen-Weber factor to ADAMTS13 factor (≥1. 5) is also related to impaired exercise ability. Subjects who exercise less or have difficulty exercising are four times more likely to have abnormal coagulation function than other COVID-19 patients. Heightman believes that the research results reveal that the occurrence of COVID-19 is indeed significantly related to the decline in sports performance.

Are 4 ethnic groups more likely to be at risk when diagnosed? Expert: Introducing “anticoagulation therapy” may be helpful

Heightman said that there may be persistent microvascular or endothelial cell disorders in the pathogenesis of COVID-19. This disorder is more detrimental to the human body’s coagulation function. If people do not exercise enough, such as the elderly, sedentary office workers, obese people, or patients with chronic diseases, and are diagnosed with COVID-19 and suffer from COVID-19, the risk of abnormal coagulation function may increase and trigger Related symptoms include bleeding gums, nosebleeds, skin bruising/purple spots, heavy bleeding during tooth extraction, etc.

“The results of the study tell us that ‘anticoagulant therapy’ may have a potential role in the management of patients with COVID-19. The drug’s efficacy is to prevent the formation of blood clots in the blood, which is especially common in patients with COVID-19. If relevant treatment can be taken in time, It may be helpful in preventing coagulation abnormalities caused by COVID-19.”

However, Heightman emphasized that whether anticoagulant treatment measures are necessary for patients with COVID-19 still needs to be confirmed by more large-scale clinical trials. Judging from the current treatment, complying with medical advice and taking medication regularly is the primary goal for COVID-19 patients to recover as soon as possible.


Impaired exercise capacity in post-COVID syndrome: the role of VWF-ADAMTS13 axis

Further reading:

What is “growing new crown”? How long will symptoms last? Experts reveal “four types of people” are most affected

Get vaccinated quickly! Study: Severe COVID-19 patients suffer from “cognitive impairment” equivalent to “20 years of aging” in the brain

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