The "grains" you often eat actually have anti-cancer potential? Ruifuneng Biomedical won the "Cancer Friendly Seal": "1 Technology" not only prevents cancer but also prevents COVID-19

The "grains" you often eat actually have anti-cancer potential? Ruifuneng Biomedical won the "Cancer Friendly Seal": "1 Technology" not only prevents cancer but also prevents COVID-19

With Taiwan’s top research institutions and industry-academia teams, Ruifuneng Biomedicine spans “4 major fields”

Ruifuneng Biomedical Technology was founded in 2018 by Professor Wang Yanhua, a musician. Ruifuneng focuses on the research on metabolic regulation of cell self-healing ability. It has industry-university planning teams from top research institutions in Taiwan and many well-known universities. Its main areas include:

  • Establishment of fermented natural grain activity database

  • Analysis of the component structure of functional anti-cancer indicators

  • Concentrated extraction and activity multiplication technology

  • Anti-cancer activity and anti-inflammatory activity efficacy tests

At the same time, the specific results of the company’s research and development will be developed into pharmaceutical grade raw materials and applied in functional functional foods.

With the accumulation of multiple industry-university cooperation projects and more than tens of millions of R&D expenses, Ruifuneng Biotechnology has developed unique complex multiple ingredients from natural grains that have been studied for many years through specific fermentation, and through comparison of activity data We have discovered a variety of important ingredients that can treat non-specific cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, autoimmunity, severe inflammatory reactions, and the sequelae of COVID-19, and explored their mechanisms and pathways of action on cells.

The breakthrough results that Ruifuneng Biomedicine has achieved so far can be developed as precursors for new drugs, which will bring considerable revenue and development to the company and establish Ruifuneng Biomedical Technology’s important position in the pharmaceutical field.

Ruifuneng’s research on developing “natural fermented grains” can actually inhibit a variety of non-specific cancer cells

Dr. Liu Jimou, R&D Director of Ruifuneng Biotechnology and Institute of Biotechnology of National Cheng Kung University, pointed out in an interview that Professor Wang Yanhua is not only a musician. His research covers a wide range of topics, but he is most praised for his " Research on fermented natural grains. Dr. Liu Jimou pointed out that Professor Wang’s team established a database for natural cereals and through cooperation with chemical experts to complete structural analysis, they discovered that there are many ingredients with high potential.

These potential ingredients are not only data stored in the database, but through actual experimental processes, it has been discovered that the ingredients in these cereals can inhibit a variety of non-specific cancer cell types. Such results not only break the original scientific understanding, but also provide new directions for future research.

Professor Wang Yanhua’s experimental results have naturally been favored by many listed companies, and they have expressed their desire to cooperate with them to develop biomedical products. Professor Wang Yanhua chose to reject the opportunity to make a fortune that others dreamed of, and continued on a more difficult research path. Dr. Liu Jimou lamented that in this vast ocean called “academics”, Professor Wang Yanhua is like a navigator, constantly opening up new continents on the way to the truth.

“Every time I see Professor Wang’s research results, I feel as if I’m standing in front of a treasure trove of shock. I can’t help but exclaim: ‘How did you achieve so many results?’”

Not only has the effect of inhibiting cancer cells! Ruifuneng’s “1 technology” can also prevent COVID-19

The problem of aging is becoming increasingly serious in today’s society; as the social population ages, the treatment and care needs of cancer patients are also gradually increasing. “Ruifuneng Biomedicine” founded by Professor Wang Yanhua is playing an important role in the field of cancer treatment and research.

“The research results of Ruifuneng are a major breakthrough!” Dr. Liu Jimou said that Ruifuneng’s core technology lies in fermentation technology. The active ingredients extracted through the natural fermentation process have a certain inhibitory effect on cancer cells. Not only does it have the potential to be a new treatment method, but it is also a rare treatment method that derives technology from “natural ingredients”.

Dr. Liu Jimou pointed out that in fact, most cancer treatments, including the latest immunotherapy, have their limitations. The natural fermentation technology used by Ruifuneng has shown therapeutic potential in the treatment of some non-specific cancers; in addition, Ruifuneng’s research also involves the inflammatory response of cells, and it is found that it has a significant effect on regulating cell inflammation.

“Not only cancer, Refinement’s research has also made progress in the treatment of COVID-19.” Research shows that Refinement also has a certain effect in reducing the cellular inflammatory response caused by COVID-19, which is important for preventing diseases. further deterioration is critical.

The research results have been recognized by the academic circles and Rui Fu Neng won the “Cancer Friendly Label”

When asked about the lack of financial investment from listed companies in the early days of Ruifuneng, why can it continue to carry out new research projects? Dr. Liu Jimou explained that Professor Wang Yanhua attaches great importance to cooperation with clinicians and believes that only through clinical trials can the experimental results be truly verified. Such hard-working spirit for cancer treatment and cancer patients has also enabled Ruifuneng Biomedicine to be awarded the “Cancer Friendly Seal”. This is not only recognition of the company’s continuous efforts, but also means that Professor Wang Yanhua’s journey has been recognized by cancer patients. Of course.

“The compatibility of Ruifu Energy with its purpose, as well as the hard work and contribution it has made in this regard are very worthy of praise.” Dr. Liu Jimou pointed out that Professor Wang Yanhua himself is a cancer friend, and he knows that cancer is more than just a disease. An individual’s dilemma is a challenge that the entire family and even society must face together. We hope that by being recognized by the “Cancer Friendly Seal”, we can encourage the public to work together to create a friendlier environment for cancer patients.

“I very much agree with Professor Wang’s research on cancer treatment. For them, the most important thing is to find a way to really help patients, rather than insisting on a specific treatment. This open mind makes the treatment The plans are more diverse and more focused on patients’ needs.”

Dr. Liu Jimou said that naturally fermented grains are actually a process of converting large molecules into small molecules. Through post-process improvement, it can be maintained in a more normal state and has the potential to be used as a cancer treatment weapon, making future cancer treatment methods more diverse and safer.

Cancer should not be treated by treating a headache and treating a sore foot! Why is complementary therapy necessary?

When it comes to “cancer friendliness”, the trends and changes in this issue have attracted attention from all walks of life. Dr. Liu Jimou said that in recent years, immunotherapy and precision medicine have become one of the important keywords in cancer treatment. The government emphasizes the research, development and application of immunotherapy in terms of financial support and policy development. But from the patient’s perspective, we cannot just think from the perspective of cancer treatment, but we need to care for cancer patients in an all-round and auxiliary way.

“The current concept of therapy should not just be ’treat the head for a headache, treat the feet for a sore foot’; on the contrary, Taiwan, like other regions around the world, must begin to understand the value and necessity of auxiliary therapies.” These therapies not only target the cancer itself, but also Take care of the overall health and quality of life of cancer patients.

Dr. Liu Jimou emphasized that the current main goal of the academic community should be to find out which treatments and auxiliary methods are truly beneficial to cancer patients. Many patients may ask similar questions to their doctors before and after surgery, even before and after radiotherapy and chemotherapy: “What should I do?” or “What should I eat?” However, the answer most patients get is “you don’t need to do anything special, just rest.”

But that may not be the case. Dr. Liu Jimou pointed out that in fact, the prognosis and quality of life of patients may differ depending on whether they take active actions. Therefore, finding relevant experiments to prove that specific practices are helpful for cancer patients is of great significance to clinicians, patients, and even patients’ families.

Care for cancer patients is still insufficient. Experts urge: Correct health education information should play an important role

Regarding the current status of care for cancer patients in Taiwan, Dr. Liu Jimou said that as the number of cancer patients continues to increase, how to effectively provide information and care is a topic that relevant units must face. Although there are more and more cancer-related forums and seminars, what cancer patients and their families really need is not only adequate medical information, but postoperative care and attention are equally important.

“At present, Taiwan’s resources for cancer surgery are still relatively insufficient, leaving many cancer patients and family members feeling confused and panicked during the course of the disease!”

In this regard, Dr. Liu Jimou explained that once the public can have a deeper understanding of cancer, it will not only reduce panic, but also adopt effective preventive strategies against the disease. He mentioned that through correct information education, cancer patients and family members will have a more positive attitude, and it can also help them face treatment and rehabilitation more calmly. “There are currently about 900,000 cancer patients in Taiwan, which means that almost 900,000 families are facing this huge challenge.”

Talking about the development prospects of Taiwan’s biotechnology industry, Dr. Liu Jimou said that Taiwan has advanced scientific research capabilities and should achieve better integrated therapies to truly realize the concept of “precision medicine.” Cancer treatment is a long-term and complex process, and each stage of treatment requires targeted strategies. He called on the industry and academia to work together to provide better care for cancer patients through research, information sharing and practice.

Say goodbye to the dilemma of single treatment in the past and enter the era of “diversification” in cancer therapy

In recent years, cancer treatment has entered a new chapter and technology has been increasingly innovative, giving patients more treatment options. “Many experts have conducted in-depth discussions on integrated cancer treatment. This is mainly because in the past, treatment weapons were relatively single, but today’s diversified treatments can more effectively provide patients with their needs.”

Dr. Liu Jimou pointed out that immunotherapy allows patients to confirm their own PDL1 indicators, which is an important key to determining the effect of treatment. However, every patient’s physical condition, quality of life, and treatment response are different. In addition to medical progress, through the initiative of “integrated treatment”, we can also prescribe the right medicine for different patients’ conditions, and every step of the disease process is related to the patient. quality of life.

When it comes to cancer treatment, Dr. Liu Jimou revealed that there are too many factors that can affect treatment decisions, including the choice of chemotherapy. For patients with stage II colorectal cancer, chemotherapy may not be the best solution under certain circumstances. Therefore, with accurate reference data, medical experts can more accurately assess the true needs of patients.

Finally, Dr. Liu Jimou said that the current care of cancer patients has entered a new era, with technologies and methods changing rapidly. But no matter what, the ultimate goal is to provide cancer patients with a better treatment environment and ensure their quality of life. In this long anti-cancer journey, we need not only advanced technology, but also the most sincere care for patients.

Further reading:

Is hand weakness a “short-lived sign”? Study reveals: Insufficient grip strength may accelerate physical aging

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