To have good immunity, you must have less muscle mass! Can't you just eat chicken breast for protein?

To have good immunity, you must have less muscle mass! Can\'t you just eat chicken breast for protein?

Muscle loss, beware of immune stress! Infection mortality rate may rise significantly

The epidemic is coming fiercely. Although the vaccine has been launched in Taiwan, the current coverage rate in Taiwan has not yet reached the herd immunity status. Peng Bang, a Chinese medicine doctor from the Department of Family Medicine, Shuang Ho Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, reminded that maintaining one’s own immunity and observing epidemic prevention habits are the fundamental way. People in the prime of life should pay more attention to maintaining muscle mass and consume more high-quality protein and protective nutrients.

“Muscle mass is directly related to immunity!” Chinese medicine doctor Peng Bang said that muscles can store proteins needed by the immune system and secrete immune-related cytokines. When muscles are lost, immunity will decline. Studies have also shown that as long as 10% of muscle is lost, immunity will be reduced and the risk of infection will increase; if muscle is lost by 30%, disease recovery ability will drop sharply and the risk of severe illness will increase; if muscle loss exceeds 40%, the risk of death from pneumonia will increase significantly.

Muscle is lost with age. Peng Bang, a Chinese medicine practitioner, reminds that after the age of 40, muscles will be lost rapidly at an average rate of 8% per decade, and nearly one-third of the muscles may be lost between the ages of 40 and 80. During the epidemic prevention period, more attention should be paid to the relationship between muscles and immunity.

Peng Bang, a Chinese medicine practitioner, reminded that it is well known that to increase muscle mass, you must eat more high-protein foods. However, people still have misconceptions about protein intake and absorption. For example, they misunderstand that the entire chicken breast is protein. In fact, there are only 31 grams per 100 grams. Belongs to protein. In addition, the issue of utilization must also be considered to ensure that protein can be effectively converted into raw materials needed to make muscles and immune cells.

How much protein should the average person eat every day? Peng Bang, a Chinese medicine practitioner, explains that normal adults are recommended to consume at least 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. If you want to maintain muscle mass and improve immunity, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein, about 1.2 grams per kilogram per day, and combine it with moderate exercise.

Various vitamins have different immune benefits, and muscle loss is faster in middle-aged and middle-aged people

In addition to protein intake and muscle mass maintenance, vitamins and minerals also have an important impact on immunity. Dr. Li Yuqing from the Family Medicine Department of Yuanrong Hospital Medical System said that vitamin B6 can break down proteins into usable raw materials; vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron can promote the formation and activation of immune cells; vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium can resist oxidation and protect cells. The American Institutes of Health specifically pointed out that lack of vitamin C has an adverse impact on the immune system and may increase the risk of COVID-19 infection and severe death.

In addition, vitamin A, vitamin D, and zinc can reduce the risk of respiratory infections, and many studies have shown that lack of vitamin D and zinc can increase the risk of COVID-19 infection and severe death4; copper can inhibit viral activity.

Dr. Li Yuqing pointed out that many middle-aged people or elders mistakenly believe that as they age, their metabolism and physical activity decrease, and eating less is healthier. In fact, the muscle loss rate of middle-aged and elderly people is accelerated, and the need for protein supplementation is greater. Under the evaluation of a physician or nutritionist, balanced nutritional supplements can be taken.

Dr. Li Yuqing emphasized that to improve immune function and ensure the effectiveness of vaccination, you cannot just look at a single nutrient. It is recommended to supplement multiple nutrients in a balanced manner to improve your own protection. If you have poor dental health or are worried about consuming too many calories, it is recommended that you choose balanced nutritional supplements that have undergone clinical trials and have been published in international medical journals, which are safer and more secure.

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