Do you have a good heart? Make good use of screening tests to find out hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which can save you 200,000 in medicines in the future.

Do you have a good heart? Make good use of screening tests to find out hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which can save you 200,000 in medicines in the future.

Early-stage liver disease is called the “national disease” of Taiwanese people. Since there are no obvious symptoms, many people are diagnosed with liver disease and liver cancer at an advanced stage. The occurrence of liver disease is related to alcohol consumption and infection. According to the 2020 cause of death statistics, a total of 11,737 people died from chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and liver cancer. The 2017 cancer registration data showed that 80% of liver cancer will occur, which is hepatitis B and C. cause.

To protect liver health and avoid “liver explosion”, screening is the best way. Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration will adjust the conditions for hepatitis B and C screening in adult preventive health care from September 28, 2021, and relax the age limit to once in a lifetime between 45 and 79 years old. As of May 2021, more than one million people have been screened. Compared with the screening volume of hundreds of thousands of people per year before conditions were relaxed, the number of people served has increased by more than 10 times.

In epidemic prevention, we should not forget to prevent the invasion of liver disease and get screened as soon as possible.

The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration has discovered nearly 30,000 hepatitis B and C positive cases in 8 months. With continuous tracking and treatment, at least 2,800 people have been treated. Since most liver diseases have no obvious symptoms, people tend to delay seeking medical treatment due to lack of vigilance. The Epidemic Command Center lowered the epidemic alert level to Level 2 from July 27 to August 9. The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration also reminded the public that they should be prepared for preventive health care during the epidemic prevention period, such as through hepatitis B and C screening, take care of your own health.

Taiwan Health Promotion Administration states that 1 in 4 people infected with hepatitis B and C will develop cirrhosis, and 1 in 20 people with cirrhosis will develop liver cancer, which is the main cause of death from chronic liver disease and liver cancer. Taiwan Health Promotion Administration will expand the provision of once-in-a-lifetime hepatitis B and C screening services to people aged 45 to 79 (earlier to 40 years old for indigenous people) from September 28, 2020, to early detect and provide Proper treatment is required to avoid progression to chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.

Currently, there are more than 6,000 medical institutions in Taiwan providing adult preventive health care services and hepatitis B and C screening. If people are not sure whether they have hepatitis B or C, they can go to the clinic to inquire and receive screening services. As long as you are confirmed to be infected with chronic hepatitis C, there is no need to panic. Currently, health insurance covers oral new drug treatment for hepatitis C. The cure rate is as high as 98%. It is estimated that the drug cost can be saved about 200,000 yuan.

Avoid the “Trilogy of Liver Diseases” Taiwan Health Promotion Administration recommends 3 steps to ensure liver health

Early detection and appropriate treatment through screening can effectively block the trilogy of “hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer”. Daily liver-protective behaviors are also very important. Taiwan Health Promotion Administration recommends that people can ensure liver health through 3 steps in daily life:

1. Avoid exposure to dangerous factors

For example, avoid sharing needles or personal hygiene products, or having sex with infected people to prevent hepatitis B and C from entering the body through blood or body fluids and contracting the disease.

2. Maintain a healthy posture

Including a healthy diet, more exercise, and maintaining a normal daily routine. If you take good care of your body, liver disease will naturally not disturb you.

3. Don’t drink excessively

Taiwanese people are “the least suitable for drinking in Asia”. Almost 1 in 2 people lacks “acetaldehyde dehydrogenase”, which makes it difficult to metabolize alcohol. Therefore, the chance of suffering from fatty liver and alcoholic hepatitis will also increase. increase. Therefore, when drinking alcohol, be sure to remember to “taste lightly” and avoid binge drinking. Otherwise, the liver may suffer from many pathological changes due to overload.

Based on the above, because liver disease occurs without warning, it is easy for people to ignore the related symptoms of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Especially during the epidemic, because they are unable to go out for complete examinations and their living habits have changed significantly, it is often delayed until the body has already When something goes wrong, seek medical help immediately. Therefore, if you have bad habits such as excessive drinking, abnormal work and rest, or unbalanced diet, you must get screened as early as possible. This is the best strategy to prevent liver disease. Otherwise, you will only seek medical treatment when symptoms appear in your body. It will make the treatment more difficult, and you will have to bear huge medical expenses, which will make you lose both your life and money. It is quite unworthy.


Screening conditions open for 8 months; one million people are screened for liver B and C

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