Can a glass of red wine a day help cardiovascular disease? World Federation of Heart Organizations denounces "misleading": drinking alcohol is related to six major heart diseases

Does drinking help your health? World Federation of Heart Organizations slams ‘misleading public’
Moderate drinking can help you absorb beneficial ingredients and help protect your cardiovascular system? Is this scientific fact or hypothesis? The World Heart Federation (WHF) released its latest policy brief, stating that scientific research has clearly shown that there is no “safe range” for alcohol intake and that alcohol will have a negative impact on health regardless of the amount.
According to the World Federation of Heart Organizations, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases has nearly doubled in the past few decades, and alcohol is related to the occurrence of most of these diseases. However, widely publicized claims that “moderate drinking is good for health”, such as “a glass of red wine a day can prevent cardiovascular disease”, have diverted people’s attention from the dangers of alcohol.
The World Federation of Heart Organizations emphasized that these statements are not only wrong, but also reflect the attempts of alcohol-related corporate organizations to mislead the public and prevent consumers from being aware of the potential dangers of consuming alcohol. The association claims that even small amounts of alcohol can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, hypertensive heart disease, atrial fibrillation, aneurysms, and more.
Drinking five drinks a day increases health risks by 37%
According to a previously published paper in The Lancet, a University of Washington research team analyzed data from the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) Study and found that in 2019 alone, 2.4 million people suffered from alcohol-related illnesses. killed, accounting for 4.3% of all deaths globally, and 12.6% of deaths among men aged 15 to 49 years.
A University of Washington research team pointed out that alcohol is related to 27% of deaths among women and 19% of deaths among men over the age of 50. Compared with those who do not drink or abstain from alcohol at all, drinking one drink a day increases the health risk by 0.5%, and those who drink five drinks a day increase the risk to 37%.
Can moderate drinking reduce cardiovascular disease? No reliable correlation
The World Federation of Heart Organizations criticized in a policy brief that studies claiming that alcohol is beneficial to health are only observational studies and fail to prove an inevitable relationship between the two. Summarizing all the scientific evidence so far, there is no reliable correlation between “moderate drinking” and “reducing cardiovascular disease.”
In addition, the health risks of drinking alcohol include increased risks of cancer, digestive system diseases, unintentional harmful behaviors, fatal injuries caused by drunk driving, and several infectious diseases. The World Federation of Heart Organizations stated that drinking alcohol not only brings huge economic and social costs to society, but also reduces personal productivity, increases the risk of violence and burdens the public health system.
The World Federation of Heart Organizations points out that the number of deaths and disabilities caused by alcohol is increasing at an unprecedented rate around the world, and calls on all sectors of society to take action as soon as possible, including restrictions on alcohol sales, measures to prevent drunk driving, bans on alcohol advertising, and alcohol addiction withdrawal treatment. and other measures.
According to the National Dietary Indicators Manual, men should not drink more than one can of beer (equivalent to 20 grams of alcohol) and women should not drink more than half a can of beer (equivalent to 10 grams of alcohol) per day. Asians have “alcohol intolerance” due to common genetic mutations, which may significantly increase the risk of cancer. Heavy drinking may increase the risk of esophageal cancer by 50 times. It is recommended that only by reducing the amount of alcohol consumed to zero can the harmful effects of alcohol on the body be avoided. various hazards.
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