Is "ghost pressing on the bed" a supernatural phenomenon? Is it related to poor sleep quality? Medical education "1 measure" improvement

Is "ghost pressing on the bed" a supernatural phenomenon? Is it related to poor sleep quality? Medical education "1 measure" improvement

With the advent of Folklore Month, a woman reported to her doctor that she had been experiencing “paranormal phenomena” for several days. She often woke up but could not move, and even felt like someone was staring at her next to her bed. Is this what is commonly known as “ghost pressing the bed”? Dr. Chen Zhaowei from the Department of Neurology of Wanfang Hospital clarified that the patient’s condition may be “sleep paralysis” and called on the public not to panic too much. They can seek help from the sleep medicine clinic to clarify related symptoms in advance.

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“To put it simply, sleep paralysis means ’the body is awake but the person is still sleeping’!” Dr. Chen Zhaowei explained that the human body’s sleep cycle is divided into “non-rapid eye movement period” (NREM) and “rapid eye movement period” ( REM) 2 types, and dreaming usually occurs in the rapid eye movement period. In order to protect the body from danger caused by the movement of dreams, the brain relaxes the muscles of the whole body, as if paralyzed. At this time, if you wake up and regain consciousness, but your limbs do not obey the command, it is a typical symptom of sleep paralysis.

Dr. Chen Zhaowei said that the factors causing sleep paralysis are still unclear, but people with poor sleep quality are indeed prone to sleep paralysis. Dr. Chen Zhaowei said that patients with sleep apnea, emotional stress, or both mental and medical diseases are prone to sleep problems. Therefore, in addition to alleviating sleep paralysis, other diseases should also be treated in parallel.

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Many people report that when “ghosts press on the bed”, they will experience hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, breathlessness and other supernatural phenomena. In this regard, Dr. Chen Zhaowei explained that switching from sleep to wakefulness will trigger the brain area that controls fear, so whenever there is something around you Any disturbance will amplify the perception of fear and imagine that you are in danger. It is recommended that when people encounter sleep paralysis, they can divert their attention and slowly adjust their breathing to stabilize their breathing.

Dr. Chen Zhaowei pointed out that although sleep paralysis is not life-threatening when it occurs, if it occurs too frequently, it will affect the patient’s quality of life. Dr. Chen Zhaowei emphasized that if people still see no improvement after adjusting their daily routine, they can go to the sleep medicine clinic to evaluate whether they have sleep disorders, and arrange examinations and prescribe medication as appropriate to help people have a good night’s sleep.

In addition, the British National Health Service (NHS) has also issued guidelines stating that if people suffer from sleep paralysis, they should improve it through the “three dos and two don’s” principle:

  • Get enough sleep at night: Try to get 6-8 hours of sleep regularly every day.

  • Keep a regular schedule: go to bed at the same time every night and try to get up at the same time.

  • Be physically active: Develop a regular exercise habit, but avoid doing it within 4 hours before bed.

  • Do not eat before going to bed: Do not consume too many late-night snacks before going to bed; smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine should also be completely avoided.

  • Not sleeping on your back at night: The habit of sleeping on your back may make you more likely to develop sleep paralysis.


Sleep paralysis - NHS

Further reading:

Have “sleep problems” become the norm during the epidemic? Simple “6 steps” to improve sleep quality

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