Are gastrointestinal problems and digestive problems all "written on your face"? Nutritionist: Eat these 10 "intestinal" foods to keep your skin radiant

Are gastrointestinal problems and digestive problems all "written on your face"? Nutritionist: Eat these 10 "intestinal" foods to keep your skin radiant

Gastrointestinal problems are all “written on your face”? Eat these foods quickly to keep your skin radiant

Intestinal health, in fact, also affects the condition of the skin? An unhealthy intestinal tract will not only cause digestive problems, but if toxins in the body cannot be excreted, it may also be reflected on the skin! Therefore, “taking care of the intestines is taking care of the skin.” Women or those who love beauty, in addition to applying skin care products frequently, having a normal work and rest schedule, and eating a balanced diet, they can also supplement nutrients that optimize intestinal health to keep the intestines and skin healthy:

  1. Fiber: Promotes intestinal peristalsis. For example, oats, various fruits or various vegetables are good supplementary sources.

  2. Prebiotics: Provide nutrients for probiotics. You can eat more bananas, garlic, nuts and other foods.

  3. Probiotics: Improve intestinal flora. Yogurt, natto, kimchi and other foods can be taken in moderation.

  4. Polyphenols: Strengthen the intestinal barrier and are an antioxidant. Polyphenols can be obtained from foods such as apples, blueberries, and dark chocolate.

  5. Moisture: Helps detoxify and keep the intestines moist. In addition to drinking plain water and sugar-free sparkling water, you can also drink unsweetened coconut water in moderation.

Supplementing these nutrients can help with intestinal health and help solve the common problem of constipation among women. Once the intestinal tract is healthy, you can naturally see an improvement in the appearance of your skin, making your skin naturally radiant!

Will collagen start to lose after the age of 25? Nutritionist urges: Eat more 9 foods to develop whiter skin

In addition to taking good care of your gastrointestinal tract, it is also important to replenish natural “collagen” if you want to make your skin radiant. After the age of 25, collagen will begin to gradually disappear. There are indeed many collagen products on the market to choose from, but if you want to supplement it from natural sources, what foods can you eat more of? In fact, collagen can be obtained from the following food sources:

  1. Bone broth. Bone broth contains a bioactive form of protein that the body can use immediately.

  2. Fish. Fish collagen is the best, because the structure of fish collagen is closest to that of the human body and is most easily recognized and absorbed by body tissues. Among them, fish scales and fish skin are the most abundant.

  3. Fish maw. Also known as fish maw or isinglass, it is a white gelatinous substance made from the swim bladder of large marine fish. The characteristics of high protein and low fat make it nourishing without worrying about gaining weight. It is usually served as a stew, so it is not suitable to eat too much at one time. It can be used with lean meat or duck meat to make soup.

  4. Sea cucumber. Zero cholesterol and rich in collagen, it is a good source of collagen.

  5. Pig skin. Ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bone tissue and other parts of the animal body are rich in connective tissue, so generally speaking, the content of meat-eating collagen in these parts will be relatively high.

As for the intake of vegetarian colloids, combined with vitamin C, vitamin E, and protein, it can assist in the synthesis of collagen. Food sources are as follows:

  1. Avocado. Contains vitamin E, which can prevent collagen from being broken down in the body, and “avocado oil” can proliferate collagen.

  2. Citrus fruits. Fruit is rich in vitamin C, which can help amino acids produce proline, and proline is an essential chemical component for the production of collagen.

  3. Fungus and white fungus. The structure of some plant colloids is similar to collagen, but the molecular sequence is smaller. After ingestion, the amino acid raw materials for collagen synthesis in the body can also be obtained.

  4. Fruits and vegetables with a sticky feel. Fruits and vegetables are rich in mucilage, and fruits and vegetables that taste sticky are rich in plant-based gums. For example, yam and kelp are good sources.

The public is reminded that the above specific foods are high in calories. If you are in the weight loss stage, you should consume them in moderation or consult a physician or nutritionist before consuming them. In addition, everyone’s ability to absorb collagen will vary depending on their body constitution. It is recommended to exercise more and get enough sleep to help maximize the effect of collagen absorbed into the body and maintain a certain level of skin health.

Further reading:

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