If your furry child repeatedly performs "1 action", it may be cellulitis! Veterinarians urge: Regular deworming to protect the health of owners and pets

Wound infection is prone to cellulitis! Parasite bites on pets may cause 5 consequences
Going out for a walk is one of the best activities to maintain the health of your furry dog. However, if you lack the concept of parasite prevention, it will easily put the owner and your furry dog into a crisis of infectious diseases. The hot summer is coming, and many mosquitoes and fleas are waiting for the opportunity to cause trouble. The bites are not only easy to cause redness, swelling and unbearable itching, but may also cause fever and headache. For furry children and children who cannot express themselves in words, they can only scratch their skin continuously. If it is not stopped in time, wound rupture and repeated infection may lead to cellulitis, which may cause irreparable consequences for both the puppy and the owner. Only regular monthly deworming can reduce the incidence of the disease.
With the changes in population structure and lifestyle, the proportion of Taiwanese raising fur babies is increasing day by day. According to the pet registration statistics of the Council of Agriculture, the total registered number of domestic dogs and cats exceeded 2.22 million at the end of last year (2022), which is evident in modern society. There is a huge demand for health care for fur babies.
Veterinary surgeon Yang Jingyu, director of Yang Animal Hospital, said that due to changes in Taiwanese people’s attitudes, the relationship between owners and their furry babies has evolved from being a caretaker to being as close as a family. They also hope that their furry babies can stay with them in good health for a long time. Therefore, compared with In the past, pet medicine focused on treating diseases, but now it focuses more on prevention. Eating three full meals, sleeping well, and deworming on time every month are the keys to creating a high-quality and healthy life for furry pets.
95% of bugs cannot be eliminated by cleaning! Failure to actively deworm may lead to zoonotic infections
Veterinarian Yang Jingyu explained that fleas and other parasites have amazing reproductive capabilities. Fleas can successfully mate and lay eggs in just 24 to 48 hours, and can lay up to 2,000 eggs in a lifetime. If parasites are found on your furry child, If there are traces of parasites, the environment at home has most likely become a parasite base; more data shows that 95% of parasites are spread throughout the home in a form that is difficult to detect with the naked eye, and cleaning alone cannot be completely eliminated. In particular, sharing the home environment with furry pets has become the norm in modern society. If regular monthly deworming is not implemented, it will not only cause environmental pollution at home, but may even become a health hazard for owners and furry pets. Once they unfortunately encounter parasites carrying infectious diseases Insects may cause serious zoonotic diseases.
Veterinarian Yang Jingyu emphasized that it has been clinically observed that many pet owners have wrong concepts of deworming and mistakenly believe that they only need to pay attention to parasite problems in their furry animals in summer or when they go out. However, because Taiwan is in a subtropical climate, it is suitable for parasitism all year round. Insects reproduce and grow. Therefore, owners must deworm their furry pets on a monthly basis to prevent the spread of vectors. If fleas are found biting their furry furry pets or owners, the environment should be cleaned to prevent fleas from continuing to reproduce.
Although zoonotic diseases caused by parasites are rare in Taiwan, there are quite a few cases of flea bites that go to clinics for treatment. Not only do furry children need to worry about fleas sucking blood, children with high body temperatures and pregnant women are also one of the favorite bodies of fleas. Especially children’s skin is sensitive and fragile, and it is difficult to control the scratching action. Old red rashes will not disappear, and new ones will appear. Frequent scratching and bacterial growth may lead to cellulitis.
It doesn’t hurt your furry baby’s body and he can still bathe and play in the water normally! Veterinarians reveal 4 major features of fleas that cannot be treated with anthelmintics
With the continuous advancement of pet preventive medicine, pet anthelmintic drugs on the market have become quite popular, including oral drugs, drops, sprays, anti-flea collars and other different categories, and the efficacy and quality of the drugs are becoming more friendly and safer. Veterinary surgeon Yang Jingyu pointed out that the composition and efficacy of each anthelmintic drug are different, and pet owners should consider the type of parasite and personal living habits to choose a product that is both safe and effective for their furry babies.
Veterinarian Yang Jingyu said that he recalled the first time he used the “Flea Free” repellent more than 20 years ago. About 3 seconds after use, he saw fleas and ticks slowly falling down. Not only is the effectiveness amazing, but because the drug does not enter the blood circulation in the body, it is often used to deworm pregnant and lactating fur babies or young dogs and cats. If it is a young dog or cat that is just 2 days old, you can also choose flea deworming. Use spray to get rid of fleas. Its safety is deeply trusted by veterinarians. It is an epoch-making anthelmintic drug for pet medicine.
Since its launch nearly 30 years ago, the national anthelmintic drug “Flea Free” has protected more than 2.5 million fur babies in Taiwan. It can effectively eliminate fleas, ticks and other common parasites in dogs and cats. It is different from ordinary anthelmintic drugs that only target the most common parasites in dogs and cats. For adult insect control, Flea has no insect growth inhibitory factor, which can block the harm of flea eggs, larvae and flea pupae. The waterproof properties of the drug also allow fur babies to bathe, play in water and pet grooming normally. “Flea has no full effect”. The new packaging will be replaced in 2022, including a series of external drops and sprays, continuing to provide owners with a safe first choice for deworming dogs and cats.
Veterinarian Yang Jingyu reminded that regular monthly deworming of furry pets is the key to preventing the occurrence of diseases. When purchasing, owners should pay attention to whether the deworming drug is mild, avoid using highly toxic ingredients such as organophosphorus, or choose a veterinarian. Only the recommended brand of deworming medicine can protect the health of your furry child.
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