Even fruits are taboo! Can the extremely difficult and effective "ketogenic diet" make people say "skinny enough"?

Even fruits are taboo! Can the extremely difficult and effective "ketogenic diet" make people say "skinny enough"?

The ketogenic diet has also been a much-discussed diet in recent years. If executed correctly, it can achieve rapid weight loss results, attracting many people to try it. The ketogenic diet originated from abroad. It was initially used to treat epilepsy patients and improve their abnormal brain discharge. Weight loss is only its added value.

Why can the ketogenic diet burn fat and lose weight? So strict that you can’t even eat fruit?

Generally, a normal diet is mainly carbohydrates, which are digested and metabolized in the body to generate glucose and enter the blood. With the help of insulin, it enters the cells and is used by the body as an energy source. However, the ketogenic diet is mainly fat. When the body lacks sources of carbohydrates, fat will be metabolized by the liver to generate “ketone bodies” in the body, which can be used as an energy source by the body and can quickly burn and metabolize unpleasant fat. This is also the name of the “ketogenic diet” The origin of.

How many carbohydrates should be controlled on a ketogenic diet to allow the body to produce ketones? In fact, it varies from person to person, but the common standard is about 50 grams. Even in some strict ketogenic diets, carbohydrates only account for 5% of the total calories. However, the amount of carbohydrates in vegetables alone may exceed 5%, so staple foods and fruits cannot be eaten, which is very difficult to implement.

Will you lose weight instead of lose weight if you follow a ketogenic diet? The usual habit of “eating on the sly” makes people “unable to lose weight”

As a nutritionist, when I encounter different eating methods, in addition to understanding the theory, of course I also want to know how it will feel when implemented in practice, what difficulties will be encountered, whether it is easy to implement, etc., so I have also implemented it with An Ma Ketogenic diet.

Before the implementation, we did a basic health check, including blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, etc., and bought ketogenic test strips, MCT oil, and grass-fed butter. After a month of implementation, my fat loss effect was good, and I lost a total of two kilograms of body fat; but instead of losing weight, An’s mother gained weight. This made me a little confused. After asking, I found out that when she was following the ketogenic diet, she often ate food secretly, and it was also high-carbohydrate food! The result is that you supplement carbohydrates and fat foods at the same time. Not only can you not enter the ketogenic fat-burning state, but you also eat more fat than usual, and of course you will gain weight! For An Ma, who loves food and is good at cooking, the ketogenic diet was not suitable for her at all, so she later decided to switch to a sugar-reducing diet and 168 intermittent fasting, and finally lost weight smoothly.

If you implement a certain diet without any effect, you can think further. Is it true that you have implemented it correctly but there is no progress, or is it ineffective because it is not implemented correctly? There are no absolute good or bad diets. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before implementing them, you need to have a basic understanding and evaluate whether they can be implemented in the long term. A diet that can be integrated into personal life without feeling painful or burdensome is the best and most suitable method for you.

Advantages of the ketogenic diet

1. Lose weight quickly

In the early stages of ketosis, the liver and muscles will release glycogen and water, causing dehydration. This is also the reason why the weight will drop significantly at the beginning. Continue to maintain the ketogenic state and start to metabolize fat, making fat loss more and more smooth.

2. Don’t feel hungry easily

Because ingesting a large amount of fat will delay gastric emptying, the feeling of fullness will last longer. Even people who usually eat a lot are less likely to go hungry.

3. Improve insulin sensitivity

Some studies have shown that ketogenic diet can also have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity after achieving weight loss, but these are still small studies and larger research evidence is needed.

4. Reduce muscle consumption during fat loss

As long as fitness groups train enough and have adequate nutrition, they can still maintain muscle mass and achieve the benefits of rapid fat loss at the same time.

Disadvantages of the ketogenic diet

1. Requires an adaptation period

The change in diet is a big one, and the body needs a little more time to adapt. For example, in the early stages of the implementation, I suffered from dizziness because I did not eat carbohydrates at all. Some people call it ketosis.

2. Not suitable for patients with chronic diseases

Due to the ingestion of a large amount of fats and oils, which come from butter, coconut oil or other animal fats and oils, these fats have high saturated fatty acid content, so people with high blood lipids and cardiovascular diseases need to pay special attention. Patients with type 1 diabetes may suffer from ketoacidosis and should not undergo the procedure.

3. Gastrointestinal discomfort easily

Because it requires a large amount of fat intake, people with poor gastrointestinal problems are prone to gastrointestinal discomfort.

4. The muscle-building effect is not obvious

The biggest reason is that the protein intake cannot be increased too high, because protein will promote insulin secretion and affect the ketogenic state and muscle-building effect.

5. Eating out is not easy to execute

Most of the foods eaten out are mainly carbohydrates, and there are few options for ketogenic diet.

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