Freeing up your figure is equivalent to letting the tumor eat the buffet. You may be only one chicken drumstick away from cancer!

Freeing up your figure is equivalent to letting the tumor eat the buffet. You may be only one chicken drumstick away from cancer!

Regarding how much obesity harms the body and how many complications it will cause, such as diabetes (further reading: Ant-Man is more likely to die young? The cruel truth is that “drinking half sugar” can also lead to diabetes! ), sexual dysfunction, and heart disease. Vascular diseases, etc., I believe you have heard about them for a long time; and if you really care about your health, you should have been on the road to losing weight for a while now. If you haven’t decided to lose weight yet, the latest US research on obesity and cancer may scare you into running ten laps of the playground!

Obesity is actually a scheming “green tea bitch” who rebels when she gets the chance?!

The American scientific journal “Cell” published a study in December 2020, revealing that obesity is actually the “magic mate” of cancer cells! The research team fed mice high-fat food every day to make them suffer from such diseases as high Problems that obese people have, such as blood sugar and high cholesterol, and after they got used to this kind of diet, colon cancer cells were implanted into mice. The results showed that the cancer cells grew even more than other cancer cells in mice without obesity problems. quick.

The research team stated that the medical community believes that obesity is one of the risk factors for cancer, but it is still uncertain how differences in human metabolism change the tumor microenvironment (TME) and affect anti-cancer immunity. In this experiment, the reason why cancer cells can grow rapidly in mice is because important immune cells in the body, T cells, need to compete with tumors for nutrients. It happens that cancer cells can handle the heat brought by fat cells better than immune T cells. , T cells have no time to grow up, giving cancer cells the opportunity to grow and make T cells less effective. Have you ever suddenly felt that being obese is like a scheming green tea bitch who secretly betrays your body and encourages tumors?

Preventing immune system inflammation and calming the body’s “internal chaos” still rely on dietary control

The body’s “rebellion” caused by obesity sounds scary, but it is also a warning for you to face up to your health problems. So what level of obesity is associated with the risk of cancer? According to the National Cancer Institute, a BMI above 30 will significantly reduce immune T cells.

Regarding weight loss, the Chao editor mentioned food synergy and changing the order of eating (eating vegetables first and then eating meat) in the article “You are the “chosen one” for blood sugar.” , eat last, eat less starch) and other healthier eating methods, or you can also try the popular ketogenic diet, combined with moderate exercise every week, which can help you gradually get rid of the threat of cancer. In addition, constantly monitoring whether your body fat is too high and whether you have bad dietary habits (such as loving small meals frequently, eating starch, etc.) is also very helpful for weight loss.

Obesity has too many harmful effects on the body. Although in this study, it is not yet certain that the human body is just like mice. Eating high-fat foods will cause cancer cells to grow rapidly, but obesity will cause liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, and large intestine cancer. The incidence rate of cancer and breast cancer increases by nearly 1.5 to 2 times. This is absolutely true! . Losing weight is a long road, and only you can end the “Innoji Temple Change” caused by your body; don’t wait until the next time your immune system sends an inflammatory alarm to realize the seriousness of the matter!

Source: Obesity Shapes Metabolism in the Tumor Microenvironment to Suppress Anti-Tumor Immunity

Image source: Shutterstock

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