Too much food and too little milk! Six major food myths among Taiwanese people: Red cabbage is widely misunderstood

Too much food and too little milk! Six major food myths among Taiwanese people: Red cabbage is widely misunderstood

The rankings of the six major food categories are released! Do Taiwanese people eat too much white rice?

From the ranking of the six major food categories that Taiwanese people love to eat, can we discover hidden health risks? The Millennium Love Health Foundation teamed up with the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration and the Agriculture and Food Administration to organize the “Food Star Competition”. Based on the votes of 170,000 people across Taiwan, it was found that the six major categories of food include cabbage, white rice, bananas, fresh milk, and tofu. , walnuts won the title of Taiwanese’s favorite food. The survey also found that garlic, fried dough sticks, and durian are the most picky vegetables, whole grains, and fruits among Taiwanese people.

Professor Pan Wenhan, a Taiwanese public health nutrition expert and a distinguished researcher at Taiwan Academia Sinica, pointed out that among the staple foods “whole grains”, it can be found that Taiwanese people still give priority to white rice. Although multigrain rice ranks third, it also ranks among the most picky whole grains, showing that Taiwanese people’s acceptance of multigrain rice is polarized. Maybe it has something to do with its texture and taste.

Professor Pan Wenhan reminded that multigrain rice foods, including germ rice, brown rice, buckwheat, red quinoa, etc., are rich in vitamin B complex, fiber and minerals, which are helpful for health care. It is recommended to chew cereals carefully and slowly, and gradually increase the proportion of cereals and rice in the daily diet. It is best to reach the standard of one-third of the staple food being whole grains.

Beans, fish, eggs and meat are the order of protein intake! Deep sea fish is limited to twice a week

In the “Bean, Fish, Egg and Meat” category, tofu, salmon, and eggs took the top three places. Professor Pan Wenhan reminded that “beans, fish, eggs and meat” not only refers to the type of protein, but also the recommended priority of intake. Beans, fish and eggs are better than meat, and white meat is better than red meat. The best situation is to eat soy products every day. Deep-sea fish is recommended twice a week to reduce the possibility of excessive heavy metals or impact on the coagulation mechanism.

However, for groups in special stages of life, the order of beans, fish, eggs and meat can be adjusted. Professor Pan Wenhan pointed out that women with anemia problems can consume moderate amounts of red meat. Women of childbearing age and developing children have higher iron needs, so the order of red meat can be advanced, but it is still basically recommended to eat lean meat.

Garlic and red cabbage are highly nutritious! Sun-dried Mushrooms Vitamin D More

The first place in the vegetable category was won by cabbage, followed by sweet potato leaves and Chinese cabbage. Professor Pan Wenhan said that the “red phoenix”, which was the least popular in the voting, is rich in anthocyanins and has antioxidant functions. It can be cooked with ginger and sesame oil to enhance the taste. As for garlic, it is not favored by Taiwanese people due to its odor. However, it contains sulfides and polyphenols, which have many health benefits. Garlic is often stir-fried in Taiwanese cooking techniques, and Taiwanese people consume enough.

Professor Pan Wenhan reminded that Taiwanese people have two main points for consuming vegetables. It is recommended that all colors and parts should be consumed, including roots, leafy vegetables, flowers and fruits. The more colors, the better. Do not only eat white and green vegetables. In addition, Taiwanese people are not generally aware that mushrooms are vegetables. Mushrooms contain polysaccharides and vitamin D, which are very important for maintaining healthy body functions. It is especially recommended to choose dried mushrooms, which contain more vitamin D.

99% of people don’t eat enough dairy products! Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium to help control blood sugar and blood pressure

In addition, although fresh milk ranks first among dairy foods, about 99% of Taiwanese people do not meet the daily intake of dairy products, with an average of only 0.5 cups. Professor Pan Wenhan suggested that if you are afraid of drinking fresh milk due to lactose intolerance, you can drink yogurt or yogurt instead. Or drink fresh milk in small amounts and dispersedly. After about a week, your body will slowly adapt to digesting lactose. You can also add more calcium-rich foods such as dried beans and tofu.

Professor Pan Wenhan reminded that nuts and seeds contain unsaturated fats, which are significantly helpful for cardiovascular health. They can also supplement nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin B6, which can help control blood pressure. It is recommended to consume 1 small tablespoon of nuts a day. In addition to the popular walnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios, pumpkin seeds are also a very good choice and contain sufficient magnesium, which is helpful for controlling blood sugar and blood pressure. Just be careful not to eat too much nuts every day.

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As for fruits, bananas, dragon fruit, and pears are the most popular in the voting. Professor Pan Wenhan pointed out that the principle of fruit intake is the same as that of vegetables. The more diverse the colors, the better the intake of different vitamins and minerals. Generally, healthy adults should consume fruits in the amount of one fistful with each meal. They do not need to worry about the sugar-increasing problem of fruits. Instead, they should pay attention to drinking less sugary drinks containing a large amount of free sugar to avoid blood sugar increases.

Professor Hsu Hui-heng, chairman of the Millennium Love Health Foundation and a Taiwanese diabetes expert, said that nutrition knowledge education is very important. Through voting and various nutrition activities, he hopes to help people eat enough food types and nutrients that they lack, which is important for maintaining health and preventing disease. Metabolic syndrome and chronic diseases will play an important role. Especially when the epidemic is heating up, adequate nutrition and physical strength are needed to cope with it.

Further reading:

Chronic inflammation is linked to obesity and cancer! Harvard: Eat more 5 “natural foods” to fight inflammation

Diet determines body protection! Study: Eating more “plant-based diet” reduces the risk of severe Covid-19 by 41%

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