Fitness god Zuxiong's "perfect" chest muscle training method: "multi-point stimulation" plus progressive exercise

Fitness god Zuxiong's "perfect" chest muscle training method: "multi-point stimulation" plus progressive exercise

How to build perfect chest muscles? Zu Xiong: Large areas of muscles need more stimulation

Even though you work out hard, your chest muscles still show no improvement? What are the most common exercise myths about men’s chest muscles? “Fitness god” Zu Xiong, who is also a sports nutritionist and fitness coach, said in an interview with “healthorn” that the larger the muscle “area”, the harder it is to develop well-defined lines, especially the buttocks, legs, and chest. These large muscle groups require more “multi-point” exercises.

“Just talking about the chest muscles, they are divided into upper chest, middle chest, lower chest, as well as inner and outer muscles. Therefore, to fully exercise the chest muscles, you need to stimulate at least 5 or 6 different parts, and only practice the same posture or exercise repeatedly. Equipment, it’s hard to build beautiful muscle lines!”

Both the upper, middle and lower chest should practice lying on the ground and standing up. Pay attention to compensation for wrong postures.

Zu Xiong pointed out that generally the equipment in the gym has the training parts marked. If you want to have obvious chest muscle lines, the upper, middle, lower and left, middle and right parts of the chest muscles must be trained. You can use decline equipment to exercise the lower chest, and use the fly machine to exercise the sides of the chest muscles. You can also adjust the width between your hands when bench pressing. The wider the distance, the more lateral the muscles that will be exercised.

The same logic applies to using push-ups to exercise chest muscles at home. Zu Xiong said that when practicing push-ups, you should put your hands on the sofa and your feet on the ground to focus on the upper chest; when the hands and feet are parallel, the middle part of the chest muscles will be exercised; raise your feet and put your hands on the ground. , can exercise the lower chest muscles.

In addition, during training, the hands and elbows should be “clamped” against the chest as much as possible, preferably not more than 15 degrees away from the body, to prevent the shoulders from compensating. Not only will the chest muscles not be trained, but it will also increase the risk of shoulder injuries. To increase the intensity of your exercise, you can also hold a basketball or bouncy ball in one hand to perform push-ups. In addition to increasing the difficulty, you can also train your core muscles.

The Right Way to Increase Intensity Triple Progression Training

Many people go to the gym frequently, but their muscle growth is not as expected. Zu Xiong pointed out that most beginners only know how to increase the weight when increasing the intensity of exercise. In fact, the more correct method is to adopt a “triple progressive” exercise: extend the “time under tension” of training, then increase the “number of repetitions”, and finally increase the “exercise weight”.

“The first step to increase training intensity during fitness is actually to increase the time for muscles to be stimulated. Slow down the movements first. Then increase the number of times. For example, if you don’t feel anything after training for 10 times, increase the number of times to 15 or 20 times. Finally It’s just adding weight!”

Zu Xiong reminded that as long as you use the right method, you will definitely see results in fitness exercises. If you want to have chest muscle lines, you should master the key points of “multi-point stimulation” and avoid wrong postures that cause shoulder or other muscle compensation. Zu Xiong took the thigh muscle that he was most satisfied with as an example. The quadriceps can be divided into upper, medial and lateral muscle parts. At least several movements are required to fully exercise it. Encourage everyone to learn the correct concepts, or consult a professional fitness coach to help you effectively improve your exercise results.

Further reading:

How to train abdominal muscles the fastest? Should you build muscle or lose fat first? The abdominal muscle training technique of the male god Zuxiong

Should I “build muscle” or “lose fat” if my abdominal muscles cannot be released? Experts reveal one trick to “burn fat + build muscle” to burn off calories and reduce body fat

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