Fish oil has many benefits, but don't eat it randomly! Doctors reveal 6 major benefits and 3 taboos: The concentration is enough to protect the heart, eyes and eyes, and fight against three highs

Fish oil has many benefits, but don\'t eat it randomly! Doctors reveal 6 major benefits and 3 taboos: The concentration is enough to protect the heart, eyes and eyes, and fight against three highs

What are the health benefits of eating fish oil? Experts reveal 6 major efficacy principles

Numerous studies have found that people who eat more fish are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases. Fish oil has been proven to have significant benefits on cardiovascular disease, neurological function, and eye vision. The main nutritional value of fish oil comes from the Omega3 fatty acids rich in deep-sea fish, of which EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) are the main ones; EPA is beneficial to the heart, immune system and inhibits inflammatory reactions, while DHA is beneficial to the brain, Important structures of the retina and central nervous system, they are involved in major mechanisms such as anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and adjustment of fat metabolism.

Since the human body itself cannot synthesize EPA and DHA, specialist physician Yang Zhijun suggests that you can supplement enough fish oil through diet and health products to increase Omega3. Research shows that fish oil is not only related to cardiovascular health, but also has multiple benefits for the human body:

  1. Maintain heart health: The main polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish oil include EPA and DHA, which can inhibit the synthesis of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) in the liver, reduce the concentration of triglycerides in the blood, and help reduce cholesterol concentration. EPA also has the effect of relaxing platelet aggregation, making the body less likely to form thrombus and preventing cardiovascular disease.

  2. Support vision health: Omega-3 fatty acids are important substances in cell membranes and are also an important source of nutrients for the optic nerve. Ophthalmology-related literature found that supplementing Omega3 fatty acids can help improve the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Another large-scale study pointed out that insufficient intake of Omega3 can easily increase the risk of dry eye disease, macular degeneration or retinopathy. Eating more fish oil is a good way to protect vision.

  3. Fight inflammation and infection: Early studies have pointed out that the Omega3 fatty acids in fish oil can suppress the immune response and help relieve the pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis. And can inhibit influenza viruses. Statistics from emerging research on the epidemic in recent years have found that supplementing with Omega3 fatty acids three times a week can reduce the risk of contracting the new coronavirus by 12%.

  4. Maintain brain health: Fish oil is helpful in improving behavioral abnormalities and assisting in the treatment of mild depression. DHA in Omega3 fatty acids is the most important component of nerve cell membranes, while EPA is related to the anabolism of mood-control transmitting substances, and is necessary to maintain normal nervous and emotional functions. Research shows that countries that eat more fish oil have lower risks of depression and suicide. Many depression treatment guidelines have included fish oil as a complementary therapy.

  5. Children’s sensory coordination: Omega3 fatty acids are very important for the growth and development of babies. Pregnant women or babies taking fish oil can improve hand-eye coordination, help infants and young children’s vision development, and reduce the chance of allergies. Some studies indicate that DHA supplementation can improve infants’ cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodevelopmental system deficiencies.

  6. Improve memory in the elderly: Healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids are extremely important for brain function. Scientific research has found that the daily intake of EPA and DHA by the elderly is negatively correlated with cognitive decline. A review study found that elderly people who eat more fish oil and Omega3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and stroke.

Can’t you just eat fish oil? 3 big taboos, don’t eat the wrong ones

From a health perspective, how much fish oil should you eat every day? Fish oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic properties. According to studies related to reducing blood lipids, fish oil can reduce blood triglycerides by 25%-50%. Daily intake of less than 1,000 mg of EPA+DHA can achieve a slight reduction; daily supplementation of 3,000-4,000 mg of high-dose fish oil can help significantly reduce triglycerides.

According to the recommendations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the safe and reliable dosage standard for ordinary people to consume fish oil is between 2000-3000 mg. In recent years, more evidence has emerged regarding the safety of high-dose fish oil supplements. In summary, there are three key points to note when taking fish oil supplements:

1. Pay attention to the concentration of fish oil. If it is insufficient, it may increase the burden.

Excessive intake of fish oil with insufficient concentration may increase the burden on the body. Dr. Yang Zhijun pointed out that if the purity of fish oil is only 25% to 50%, the concentration is low. It is recommended to choose fish oil with a concentration of more than 84%, and there are also fish oils on the market with a concentration as high as 97.7%. The higher the concentration of fish oil, the more abundant Omega3 fatty acids it contains, which can balance the Omega6 fatty acids that easily cause inflammation in the body, and have better health benefits.

2. Pay attention to the eating time. It is better to eat with or after meals.

When should I take fish oil for best absorption? Dr. Yang Zhijun pointed out that the main components of fish oil are DHA and EPA. They are oils themselves and can be consumed with food to increase absorption. It is recommended that they be consumed with a meal or supplemented after a meal. Although taking fish oil can help improve sleep quality, no research has shown that taking it before bed is more effective.

3. Pay attention to interactions and avoid the risk of bleeding

What interactions should I be aware of when taking fish oil? Dr. Yang Zhijun reminds that fish oil will affect blood coagulation and increase blood flow time. If you take anticoagulant drugs aspirin or warfarin, you should supplement it only after the doctor assesses that it is safe, and avoid mixing with other drugs. Take the medicines at the same time to reduce the side effects of mutual interference. People with coagulation insufficiency or those who are about to undergo surgery should avoid consuming fish oil.

Are you worried about the source of fish oil? 5 key points you must know when choosing fish oil!

Taiwanese people’s health awareness is on the rise, and fish oil supplementation has become a health care choice for more and more people. How to choose fish oil that is both safe and effective? Dr. Yang Zhijun reminded that you should pay attention to five key points when choosing fish oil:

  1. The concentration of fish oil affects the effect. It is recommended to choose small particle fish oil with a concentration of more than 84%.

  2. The ingredients are simple. It is recommended to choose Germany, the world’s largest Omega3 manufacturer. KD Pharma’s patented extraction of fish oil ensures the safety of the production process.

  3. The extraction method affects the absorption rate, such as TG, EE, and rTG. Among them, rTG has the highest technical threshold and has both high concentration and high absorbability. It is better to choose rTG fish oil.

  4. Choose small fish sources and avoid marine fish themselves. Residual risks such as heavy metals, dioxin, and plastic particles.

  5. Pay attention to whether the fish oil has international certification and inspection, including whether the product has obtained the World Special Gold Award for international quality and the Taiwan SNQ National Quality Label, as well as the SGS inspection and certification concentration content.

Dr. Yang Zhijun further explained that there are many fish oils on the market, and the ratio of EPA to DHA ranges from 20% to 85%. In addition to grasping the above five key points when choosing, it is best to supplement functional health foods regularly and quantitatively, and they can also be combined with those with additive effects. Healthy ingredients such as lutein are consumed together, especially for those who eat out with irregular meals and unbalanced nutrition. It is recommended to supplement fish oil to maintain health. Special groups such as pregnant women or those who are allergic to seafood must consult a professional physician or nutritionist before eating to ensure safety.

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