Feeling depressed and lack of life satisfaction during the epidemic prevention period? "6 Measures" Help secrete oxytocin and improve mental state

Feeling depressed and lack of life satisfaction during the epidemic prevention period? "6 Measures" Help secrete oxytocin and improve mental state

Is it increasingly difficult for modern people to be happy? Caused by work and economic pressure, as well as the recent worsening of the COVID-19 epidemic; if there is no appropriate channel to express it, negative emotions may develop into mental illness, causing serious impact on daily life. If people feel depressed and unable to eliminate negative emotions, many studies have confirmed that the following measures can promote the secretion of oxytocin, which may help to achieve a higher sense of happiness and satisfaction:

1. Try practicing yoga.

A study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed that after 15 subjects practiced yoga for one month, the oxytocin in their bodies significantly increased, their anxiety and stress were reduced, and their sleep quality was also improved. Studies have shown that people who practice yoga have more stable moods, which may be related to increased levels of oxytocin.

2. Listen to music to relax.

A study published in “Frontiers in Human Neuroscience” mentioned that listening to soft music before bed rest has a significant increase in oxytocin levels in the body. In addition, a study also published in the National Institutes of Health pointed out that after taking singing classes, students’ oxytocin levels increased and they felt more relaxed and energetic.

3. Have more sex.

Research in “Frontiers in Psychology” points out that whether you have sex with your partner or masturbate on a daily basis, it helps to release oxytocin and reduce stress hormones (such as cortisol) in the body, thereby promoting body relaxation and reducing nerve sensitivity. Spend. In addition, sexual intercourse also has many benefits such as improving sleep quality and improving concentration.

4. Practice talking about your feelings.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health has proposed that active listening behavior is a powerful basic principle of social interaction. Building connections helps increase trust and empathy, which increases oxytocin production. Therefore, psychological counselors or psychiatrists encourage patients to talk out their hearts and express their feelings, which is also an important part of psychotherapy.

5. Get involved in volunteer work.

Research from Claremont Research University in the United States shows that the elderly’s involvement in voluntary work helps secrete oxytocin. Random acts of kindness can lift your spirits and promote more positive emotions. The research team believes that the release of oxytocin is closely related to “prosocial behavior”, and the two tend to influence each other.

6. Try having a pet.

Also published in “Frontiers in Psychology”, research points out that keeping pets such as cats and dogs, and owners often petting and hugging them can promote the secretion of oxytocin and help improve personal mood. In addition, research also mentioned that caring behavior towards pets significantly reduces the chance of owners suffering from mental illnesses such as depression and bipolar disorder.

If the above measures are taken and negative emotions still persist, the public is urged to consult a psychological counselor or psychiatrist immediately to avoid worsening of the mental condition and affecting life. In addition, if you are already suffering from mental illness, you should follow the doctor’s instructions, take medication on time, and cooperate with relevant treatment measures to prevent more serious psychological problems from occurring.


The neurochemistry and social flow of singing: bonding and oxytocin

Oxytocin Release Increases With Age and Is Associated With Life Satisfaction and Prosocial Behaviors

Food sharing is linked to urinary oxytocin levels and bonding in related and unrelated wild chimpanzees

Effect of yoga therapy on plasma oxytocin and facial emotion recognition deficits in patients of schizophrenia

Self-soothing behaviors with particular reference to oxytocin release induced by non-noxious sensory stimulation

Further reading:

Is epidemic prevention making people depressed and depressed? Research: Do less “these two things” when you are quarantined at home

Can regular exercise improve mental health? Experts reveal 5 major benefits: alleviate depression and develop self-confidence

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