Do you feel itchy all over your body when you eat certain foods? Nutritionist: 10 major allergens to avoid and 4 ways to improve symptoms

Do you feel itchy all over your body when you eat certain foods? Nutritionist: 10 major allergens to avoid and 4 ways to improve symptoms

According to statistics from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, there were about 3.55 million people suffering from allergic diseases in Taiwan in 2019, accounting for about 15% of the total population. It is obvious that allergic problems do plague many people. If you are prone to allergies to specific foods, not only will it be difficult to enjoy the delicious food, but it may also cause a lot of inconvenience in your life.

What foods can easily cause allergies? Patients should avoid the “10 major allergens”

Why do foods cause allergies in humans? Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out in a social post that when a certain substance in food enters the body through diet, if it is regarded as a “pathogen” by the immune system and activates various immune responses, it may cause extreme discomfort to the body. The phenomenon of food allergy is speculated to be caused by changes in the intestinal immune mechanism, which may lead to physical changes. Food allergies in adults are different from allergies in children. Once induced, it is difficult to return to a non-allergic state.

The highly sensitive nutritionist lists the “Top 10 Chronic Food Allergens” that are common in life as follows:

  1. Crustaceans and their products.

  2. Mango and its products.

  3. Peanuts and their products.

  4. Cow/goat milk and its products (lactitol obtained from cow/goat milk is not limited to this).

  5. Eggs and their products.

  6. Nuts and their products.

  7. Sesame and its products.

  8. Gluten-containing cereals and their products (glucose syrup, maltodextrin and alcohol obtained from cereals are not limited to this).

  9. Soybeans and their products (soybean oils that are highly refined or purified from soybeans, mixed forms of tocopherols and derivatives, plant sterols, and plant sterol lipids are not limited to this).

  10. Fish and their products (gelatin obtained from fish, used as a carrier for preparing vitamin or carotenoid preparations, or used for clarification of alcoholic beverages).

In addition, consuming products containing sulfites with a sulfur dioxide residue of more than “10 mg per kilogram” may also cause allergic symptoms.

How to avoid allergy symptoms? Nutritionist urges you to develop “4 big habits”

Dietitian Gao Minmin pointed out that allergic symptoms usually appear about an hour after a meal, and are generally characterized by urticaria, rash, and itching, and can even induce symptoms such as difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, headache, and dizziness. In order to avoid the above situation, it is recommended that the public develop the following habits:

  1. Pay attention to packaging information. You can clearly know the food information you purchased from the outer packaging of the food, and make purchases according to your own needs.

  2. Choose simple dishes. Diners can choose simple and light dishes, or ask the staff about the contents of the meal.

  3. Eat less processed food. Certain food additives can stimulate immune cells in the body and cause the body to secrete inflammatory substances.

  4. Supplement nutrition in various ways. Fruits and vegetables contain natural phytochemicals, which can strengthen the body and avoid allergic symptoms. In addition, you can also take in more nutrients such as probiotics and Omega-3.

Hypersensitivity nutritionists urge that the human body consumes different types of food every day, and may eat a variety of foods at one time. Therefore, if allergies occur, there is no need to panic, and you should first try to “not eat certain foods” Start looking for allergens. If the allergy does not improve, it is recommended to consult a professional physician or nutritionist immediately to prescribe appropriate medicine to relieve related symptoms.

Further reading:

What is the healthiest way for children to eat when they are “schooling at home”? Nutritionist Gao Minmin reveals the “5 must-have foods”

Don’t drink coffee like water! Highly sensitive nutritionist: Beware of the side effects of “over-excitability” of nerves. It is best for 6 groups to avoid overdose.

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