Famous doctor reveals "low-sugar slimming method" Is it super easy to lose weight? How to understand the "4 major food categories" once you eat them

Famous doctor reveals "low-sugar slimming method" Is it super easy to lose weight? How to understand the "4 major food categories" once you eat them

Food fat “not equal” body fat? 133 Dinner Plate teaches you to use less frying and cooking to help control heat

Fat is one of the macronutrients, and fatty acids are also essential nutrients for humans. 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories. Oil-free cooking will greatly reduce cooking oil, but it will not be able to obtain complete fatty acids from food, causing nutritional imbalance. Saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated are the classifications of fats and oils. In addition to cooking oils, these three types of fats are also commonly found in protein foods. For example, eggs contain about 35% saturated, 44% monounsaturated, and 21% monounsaturated. % polyunsaturated fat. Animal sources have a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids, while plant sources have mostly unsaturated fatty acids.

The book only presents the total amount of fats and oils, and does not deliberately distinguish the proportions of different fats and oils. It mainly balances the use of vegetable oils mainly composed of monomers and polyunsaturated fatty acids. For vegetarians who do not eat eggs, a small amount of vegetable oil (coconut oil, palm oil) containing saturated fat can be used in balance. As for the need to control fat intake, it is mainly for weight adjustment.

Choosing foods with lower fat content and using less frying can help control calories. When controlling calories, attention should also be paid to fats and oils from nuts and seeds. Of course, calories come from all foods on the table, including sugar and protein foods. When it comes to cooking or meat selection, try to achieve a balance by alternating three meals a day to avoid greasy meals or oil-free meals. Two or more kitchen oils can be used in rotation at the same time.

Be careful with the starch on the vegetable stalls! Don’t over-consume rhizome plants

Many natural ingredients classified as staple foods can increase blood sugar. For example, pumpkin, I have done a test, the highest blood sugar increase is 74mg/dL. In terms of dietary fiber content comparison, root starch is considered healthier than white rice, but this does not mean that it can be consumed in excess.

The weight in grams of a serving of sugar in staple foods:

Rice and wheatRhizomeBeans and fruits
Glutinous rice19Sweet potato48Mung beans24
White rice20Taro57Red beans24
Indica rice20Yam85Pinto beans25
Brown rice20Potato95Lotus seeds (dry goods)25
Germ rice20Lotus root111Chestnuts26
Millet21Taiwanese pumpkin135Water chestnuts93
Barley kernels22
Red quinoa23
Sweet corn kernels115

After understanding the weight of sugar per serving of these staple foods, you will know that you need to eat them in moderation. In addition to increasing the amount of vegetables to replace the reduced rice and flour staple foods, you can also alternately choose different ingredients. A small amount of sugar staple foods can also become a delicious dish, such as Lotus seed and red bean soup, lotus seed and mung bean soup, lotus root soup, fried lotus root slices, cold lotus root, corn lotus root soup, corn water chestnut soup, fried potato, cold potato, cold yam, yam millet porridge, chestnut and red quinoa rice, etc.

Are soy products healthier than meat? There is no absolute comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of the two.

Comparing a portion of protein between soybeans and beef filet (both contain 7g of protein), the total fat content is similar (3.1g and 3.6g respectively), while the fat content of fish filet is about 80% of soybeans and the fat content of eggs. A little less than fish. From a macronutrient perspective, the nutritional value of soybeans is high. Different sources of protein have their own micronutrient advantages, and different amino acid and fatty acid contents also have their own advantages. Therefore, the comparison of advantages and disadvantages is not absolute.

Meat eaters can include soy products in their protein food list to obtain more nutrient diversity and reduce their saturated fat intake. Soy products also often appear in meat-based dishes, such as steamed fish, shrimp and tofu, stir-fried shredded tofu and dried small fish, bacon and tofu skin rolls, etc. For example, the braised chicken leg rice dish combines triangular fried tofu, chicken, dried fish and eggs, providing four servings of protein. Sea mushrooms and other vegetables also contain two servings of protein.

When should you eat fruit? Famous doctors reveal 4 correct ways to eat

When doing the fruit test, in order to avoid interference from other sugary foods, I would start the test at 10 a.m., three hours after eating breakfast. I only chose half a portion of sugar to test, because fruit contains sugar, and a portion of sugar replaces the sugar in a meal. Generally speaking, only 5 grams of carbohydrates will affect the rise in blood sugar, so I only took half a portion of sugar for the test. When actually instructing patients to use it, I would suggest the following:

  1. Avoid moving fruits to snack time and eat them with meals instead. Half a serving of sugar up to twice a day.

  2. For people who need to control blood sugar, they should try to avoid sugary snacks so that they can effectively control their blood sugar before each meal to return to a more ideal starting point. Remember that fruits are sugary foods.

  3. If you have one serving of sugary staple food plus half a serving of sugary fruit, as long as you pay attention to the need to slightly reduce the amount of high-glycemic fruits, you can usually still maintain your post-meal blood sugar within the target range.

  4. If you eat fruit after a meal, it will be digested and absorbed together with other foods in the meal. Compared with eating fruit alone during snack time, the former will increase blood sugar less.

Further reading:

What to do if you get brain fog? After recovering from inattention and forgetfulness, you must learn 6 tips to save yourself

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