Not only "expressing sexual desire" but also good for mental health? Research reveals: Moderate masturbation brings "6 major benefits"

Not only "expressing sexual desire" but also good for mental health? Research reveals: Moderate masturbation brings "6 major benefits"

Is masturbation not limited to “expressing sexual desire”? Research confirms that it can bring “6 major benefits”

In Taiwanese society, which has relatively conservative folk customs, many people often feel ashamed when talking about masturbation, and even think that it is harmful to the body and mind. In fact, moderate masturbation can not only express sexual desire, but also has a positive effect on adjusting mood and improving mood. Research from Istanbul University in Turkey points out that sexual pleasure or orgasm triggers pleasure in the brain and causes it to secrete a variety of hormones, including dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, endocannabinoids, epinephrine, etc. wait. The different hormones mentioned above can generally bring the following 6 benefits:

  1. Reduce stress and anxiety. “Preclinical Psychology and Physiology” points out that the oxytocin released during masturbation can reduce stress hormones (such as cortisol) in the body, thereby promoting body relaxation and reducing nerve sensitivity.

  2. Improve sleep quality. Research from Central Queensland University in Australia shows that masturbation can help release hormones and neurotransmitters, help reduce stress and improve sleep quality. The study surveyed 778 adults and found that masturbation before bed was associated with reduced insomnia and improved sleep quality.

  3. Improve concentration ability. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has pointed out that masturbation helps the brain release dopamine. Previous research has confirmed that dopamine is helpful in improving personal concentration and completing difficult tasks.

  4. Improve inner confidence. The National Institutes of Health states that adrenaline levels in the body increase during masturbation. High levels of adrenaline are associated with growth in personal self-confidence, and learning how to please oneself can also enhance one’s “body image.”

  5. Improve cognitive function. Prolactin secreted after masturbation has a neuroprotective effect and reduces stress response and damage. A study from Coventry University in the United Kingdom pointed out that sexual activity may improve the recall and memory of elderly subjects, which is more significant for middle-aged and elderly women aged 50-89.

  6. Make your mood more pleasant. Masturbation may increase concentrations of hormones associated with positive emotions, such as dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, which have been shown to help improve mental state and make you feel happier.

Is excessive masturbation a “mental health” problem? Expert: More like a “forced behavior”

Even though masturbation has certain benefits for the body and mind, excessive masturbation may still cause irritation and damage to the skin of the penis, swelling of the penis, or temporary spasm of the penis. In addition, patients with certain diseases are more likely to have compulsive masturbation behaviors, such as Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, Pick’s disease, Sleeping Beauty syndrome (Kline-Levine syndrome), obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc.

American sex therapy expert Janet Brito said that in the case of the above diseases, stopping or changing drugs or drug use can often reduce sexual urges, and psychological treatment may also help reduce negative effects. However, she also pointed out that the American Psychological Association (APA) does not recognize sex addiction as a “psychological problem”; rather, it is more of a “compulsive behavior.” Therefore, society’s stigmatization of masturbation is unnecessary.

However, Brito pointed out that if masturbation has seriously affected daily life, interpersonal relationships, sexual function or physical health, you should seek medical or psychological counseling. Additionally, if masturbation causes strong or pervasive negative emotions, such as guilt, shame, regret, pain, and embarrassment, the behavior should be discontinued and assistance sought.


Oxytocin and Human Sexuality: Recent Developments

Dopamine affects how brain decides whether a goal is worth the effort

Sex and Sleep: Perceptions of Sex as a Sleep Promoting Behavior in the General Adult Population

Further reading:

Do you want to be “sex addicted” every day? Experts reveal the truth: If you can’t get hard, you have to keep changing partners

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