Can exercise improve sexual performance without taking medicine? Urologist reveals "weekly exercise menu" to help testosterone burst

Can exercise improve sexual performance without taking medicine? Urologist reveals "weekly exercise menu" to help testosterone burst

Is just heavy training not enough? Sports doctors recommend “practice all 4” to improve sexual performance

Exercise is believed to strengthen the body and reduce the incidence of various diseases. However, can regular exercise or training help enhance men’s “sexual performance”? Is exercise related to sexual performance? Dr. Cheng Wei-ming, attending urologist at the Taipei City Hospital Zhongxing Branch, said that as men age, their sexual performance will also decline, but through exercise or early treatment, there is a chance to slow down the decline. If you want to use exercise to help strengthen yang, according to the research literature, the following four types of exercise can be done in moderation:

  1. Weight training. Heavy training can increase male hormones and maintain good posture.

  2. Aerobic exercise. Can increase cardiopulmonary function.

  3. Competitive sports. Such sports as badminton, basketball, and boxing can build one’s self-confidence and help with psychological construction during sexual intercourse.

  4. Take an outdoor outing. Contact with nature can help relieve stress; stress is often one of the causes of decreased sexual performance.

Want to exercise to improve your sexual performance? Urologist reveals: It is best to practice 6 days a week

If you want to enhance sexual performance through exercise, how much exercise time and intensity should be achieved? Dr. Cheng Weiming pointed out that if you have enough time and physical strength, you can practice aerobic exercise for 2 days, heavy training for 2 days, high-intensity interval training for 1 day, and outdoor walking on weekends. The best amount of exercise is 6 days a week.

Dr. Cheng Weiming reminded that during weight training, it is recommended to exercise both upper and lower limb muscles. It is best to exercise at a moderate intensity for more than 40 minutes each time. Only when you feel “out of breath” during training can it be effective. Because exercise can stimulate testosterone and sexual desire, some men will experience an increase in sexual desire after practicing weight training or light mountain climbing. They may even have the opportunity to maintain good sexual function without taking medication.

However, Dr. Cheng Weiming pointed out that exercise must be sustained to be effective. If you have no exercise habit, or are overtrained, or suddenly engage in high-intensity exercise, your physical strength will be overwhelmed, and your sexual function will naturally decline. In addition, excessive aerobic exercise will reduce sexual function. Although the popular “Kegel exercises” can train the pelvic floor muscles, overtraining may cause muscle fatigue. It is recommended to do it once a day.

Does testosterone affect sexual performance? Can low self-confidence cause sexual dysfunction?

Many men think that testosterone concentration is related to sexual performance. Dr. Cheng Weiming said that there is no absolute relationship between the two. Many patients have symptoms of low libido but normal testosterone levels. The most direct criterion that affects sexual performance is the “hardness” of the penis when it is congested. If you exercise regularly and have no bad habits, but when it is congested, the hardness is insufficient. It is recommended to adjust your daily routine or seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Dr. Cheng Weiming said that sexual ability is related to male hormones, psychological state and age. Frequent sexual intercourse does not mean that sexual ability will be enhanced, but it may be helpful for mastering sexual skills. If you gradually enter your 30s or 40s, although the hardness is no longer as “indestructible” as when you were 20 years old, you can learn to “overcome hardness with softness” in sexual matters to overcome problems such as shorter time and insufficient penis hardness.

Dr. Cheng Weiming pointed out that there was a male case who had not had sexual intercourse for 2 years. When having sex with his new love, he found that his emotions were very tense and he was deeply afraid of “poor performance.” Similar fears prevented both parties from achieving pleasure. If men expect too much of themselves, it is easy to create a vicious cycle of low self-confidence and sexual dysfunction.

From time to time, there are news that men are illegally taking growth hormone and anabolic steroids, which are considered illegal drugs, in order to increase their muscles and improve their sexual performance. Dr. Cheng Weiming warned that if these drugs are not administered correctly, they can easily cause muscle atrophy and impaired sexual function. Improper use will also have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. “Drugs-related deaths” are still heard from time to time. Men are reminded that if they have any sexual dysfunction problems, they should seek assistance from regular medical channels and never use illegal drugs on their own to avoid irreversible damage to their health.

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