Exercise in bed to lose weight? Research: Only consume 100 calories each time! "Overlap position" blood pressure rises the most

Exercise in bed to lose weight? Research: Only consume 100 calories each time! "Overlap position" blood pressure rises the most

How many calories does sex burn? Research analysis: only about 100 calories

Sexual intercourse is not only a pleasure between partners, it is also regarded as a form of exercise, which increases calorie consumption and increases heart rate. But how much physical exertion does your body undergo during sex? Can sex be used as exercise to help lose weight? Are there any differences between men and women? Literature review analysis provides preliminary answers.

José M. Oliva-Lozano, a lecturer in exercise science at the Health Research Center of the University of Almería in Spain, and others published a literature review and analysis in the “Archives of Sexual Behavior” sexual behavior research journal, collecting a total of physiological data related to sexual behavior so far. 18 studies on demand and exercise expenditure.

The results show that each sexual activity consumes approximately 100 calories (equal to 6 METs), which can be classified as moderate-intensity exercise (such as jogging, slow swimming, rowing), and the average heart rate can increase to between 90-130 bpm. , the highest heart rate can reach 170bpm. During the process, the average heart rate of men was higher than that of women. The average sex session lasts between 18 minutes and 32 minutes.

The sexual position with four legs crossed has the highest blood pressure increase

Lozano et al. found in the data that the postures of both parties will continue to change during sex. This cyclic movement requires relative joint mobility. Women especially need flexion, extension, and external rotation of the hip joint, while men in the side-lying position will produce the maximum lumbar flexion and extension motion.

In view of the different pressures on joints in different postures, some sexual positions may not be suitable for people with low back pain, hip joint disease, or shoulder injuries. Studies have found that women’s maximum heart rate is higher than men’s maximum heart rate when performing the “female on top” position. The sex position that is most likely to raise blood pressure is the “four-legged position” with overlapping bodies, similar to doggy style.

In addition, after 16 weeks of exercise training for groups with a history of cardiovascular disease, the average heart rate during sexual intercourse decreased from 127bpm to 120bpm, indicating that regular exercise can have a protective effect on the heart and blood pressure in patients with cardiovascular disease. This group is reminded that appropriate exercise should be considered before engaging in sexual activity.

Overall, this is the first literature review and analysis on the physical activity requirements and consumption of sexual intercourse, but there are many factors that affect sexual intercourse, including the health status, posture, duration, and gender of the participants. It can be found that hip joint movement is the most frequent main position during sexual intercourse, and certain positions may increase the risk of low back pain and buttock pain.

However, due to the lack of a larger sample size to increase the breadth and depth of the reviewed studies, and most studies analyzing male physical needs, there are relatively few female statistics. There is also a lack of diversity studies in the literature, and the failure to take into account data on the sexual behaviors of people with different sexual orientations are limitations of this study.

If you take this medicine before sex, be careful of the serious risk of hypotension.

However, a regular sex life may indeed be beneficial to health. Michael O’Leary, a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, once said that sexual intercourse actually consumes very little physical energy and takes a short time, which is equivalent to brisk walking and cleaning. Therefore, even if you have a heart disease People with the disease can also engage in sexual intercourse appropriately. However, if you are taking nitrate heart drugs, you should consult a cardiologist first to avoid dangerous hypotension.

In addition, sexual intercourse may also aggravate back pain. People with back pain should avoid bending the spine backwards during sex. Try to maintain a posture where the buttocks can be properly bent to reduce the pressure on the lower back, or place pillows Helpful on the thighs and below the knees. When back pain symptoms are severe, it is best not to have prolonged and intense sexual intercourse.


What Are the Physical Demands of Sexual Intercourse? A Systematic Review of the Literature

Working around health issues and sex

Further reading:

“Sex Study Room” is a must-read! Is sex the same as exercise in losing weight? Weekly sex in bed is “hugely good” for your health?

Will you age faster if you don’t have sex on a daily basis? ! Study: Women who lack sex may have early menopause

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