The epidemic tsunami is difficult to withstand! How to take into account mild symptoms and prevent family members from getting infected? Doctors "must learn 4 tricks"

The epidemic tsunami is difficult to withstand! How to take into account mild symptoms and prevent family members from getting infected? Doctors "must learn 4 tricks"

The local epidemic situation continues to heat up. A total of more than 980,000 people in Taiwan have been infected with the epidemic (as of May 18). It is common to hear of relatives, friends, and even whole families being diagnosed. With long queues in the emergency room and limited medical capacity, Dr. Chen Youda from the Department of Family Medicine at the Taipei Medical University Hospital called on the public to coexist with the virus. Most people infected with Omicron have mild symptoms. Although they are highly contagious, As long as you are prepared in advance, there is no need to panic.

The trend of coexisting with COVID-19 is unstoppable. Taking an appropriate amount of “vitamin C” every day can help fight the epidemic.

Dr. Chen Youda said that in addition to strengthening cleaning and disinfection, wearing masks and washing hands frequently, the key to avoiding diagnosis may lie in paying attention to “daily nutritional supplements.” Studies have found that during the acute phase of COVID-19 infection, vitamin C in the body will show a downward trend; and it will decrease significantly when sepsis occurs. During treatment, 20-30 times the normal dosage needs to be supplemented to help stabilize the condition.

“Vitamin C itself can be antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, thereby improving the body’s immunity and preventing upper respiratory tract diseases.”

Dr. Chen Youda pointed out that vitamin C supplementation has certain effectiveness in assisting the treatment of epidemics in various places. It can reduce inflammation in patients with new coronary pneumonia and help reduce mortality. It is recommended to choose guava, kiwi, citrus and other fruits with high vitamin C content in daily life to supplement the nutrients needed during the epidemic.

Improving protection starts with daily life! Pay attention to zinc supplementation to avoid the risk of infection

Dr. Chen Youda said that in addition to the vitamin C mentioned above, key nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and zinc should also be supplemented. Although there is no direct research indicating that zinc can prevent or treat COVID-19, it is crucial for the development of immune cells. Lack of it or insufficient intake may lead to reduced immunity and increased risk of infection; zinc supplements or lozenges are also often used. Treat colds or respiratory illnesses.

Dr. Chen Youda explained that previous studies have shown that when children have upper respiratory tract infections, supplementing with sufficient amounts of zinc can shorten the course of the disease and reduce the number of viruses. However, doctors also remind you that you only need to supplement nutrients in sufficient amounts and do not rush blindly. Only by supplementing in an appropriate and balanced amount every day can you achieve the expected benefits.

Taking care of mild cases and preventing family members from contracting the disease, doctors teach quarantined residents “4 key points” they must learn

Dr. Chen Youda said that “coexisting with the virus” is an inevitable but difficult to implement epidemic prevention strategy. Therefore, it is not unimportant to triage mild and severe cases and jointly prepare to fight the epidemic. When it comes to taking care of mild cases and preventing family members from getting the disease, Dr. Chen Youda shared four key points:

  1. Prepare home medications. Many confirmed patients not only have high fevers exceeding 40 degrees, but also suffer from sore throats and even the inability to speak or eat. Coughing to the point of “heartbreaking” is a common clinical condition. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare throat spray or medicinal throat lozenges in advance to help relieve symptoms.

  2. Carry out epidemic prevention and cleaning. If a family member is diagnosed, it is recommended that in addition to wearing masks and washing hands frequently, those who live with them should pay attention to disinfecting door handles frequently and wiping tabletops every day with household bleach diluted 1:99 (10 ml bleach mixed with 1 liter of water) , floor, especially when single room isolation is not possible, attention must be paid to the cleaning and disinfection of toilets and baths.

  3. Eat a balanced diet. Key nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, E; zinc and other ingredients can help enhance protection and should not be ignored by patients with mild symptoms.

  4. Keep your mind relaxed. When faced with a diagnosis, you need to relax and face the challenge, and do not worry too much, which will affect your sleep and recovery.

Dr. Chen Youda reminded that the peak number of local confirmed cases is expected to occur in June. During this period, people must maintain a balanced diet and maintain their own immunity. If the discomfort persists or the symptoms do not subside, they should seek medical treatment quickly to clarify the symptoms and prevent people who live with them or family members from getting infected. If you have any needs during the quarantine period, you should also Contact the health unit in your area as soon as possible to receive more assistance.

Further reading:

A must-see for home care or isolation! This is the correct way to expose essential medical equipment and rapid drug screening

Can oral antiviral drugs be used once confirmed? Should you worry about interactions? Doctors reveal the truth behind drug jams

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