Why will epidemic prevention increase the "domestic violence rate"? When you have these "stress syndromes", be sure to calm down first

Why will epidemic prevention increase the "domestic violence rate"? When you have these "stress syndromes", be sure to calm down first

COVID-19 has been raging around the world for nearly a year and a half. During the previous level three alert period, people were forced to change their life and work patterns and began to work and attend classes from home, significantly increasing the time spent with their families. I thought that during this period, I could use this to cultivate the family relationship between parents and children, but things may not be as beautiful as everyone thought.

Amid the raging epidemic, domestic violence rates have increased instead of decreasing around the world

Dr. Huang Xuan, an expert in critical care medicine, pointed out that taking Brazil, Spain, Greece and other countries as examples, even if these countries announced stay-at-home epidemic prevention regulations, the relationship between family members did not seem to be better; on the contrary, the number of domestic violence hotline notifications in these countries, All showed growth of more than 20%. As the severity of the epidemic increases, the increase in domestic violence cases has become a common phenomenon around the world. As for Taiwan, according to data from New Taipei City in March 2021, domestic violence cases increased by 30% compared with the same period last year; information provided by the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare also shows that from January to March this year, there were 32,000 reported cases of domestic violence. , an increase of approximately 5% compared with the same period last year. It can be seen that if families spend a long time together during the epidemic, their relationship may not get better, and it may even worsen the relationship.

Dr. Huang Xuan further stated that in 2013, a total of 8,943 subject samples were collected from 42 countries on five continents. This joint study found that in social settings, people tend to maintain a distance of about 135.1 centimeters with strangers, and when interacting with friends When you are with your partner, you maintain an average distance of about 91.7 centimeters, and when you are with your partner, you maintain a distance of 31.9 centimeters. In fact, the closer the distance, the higher the chance of quarreling. Huang Xuan added that relationships do not get better with “zero distance” at home and “zero quarrels” every day. The closer we are to our family or partners, the easier it is for us to have arguments.

Dr. Huang Xuan reminded that “Covid-19 Stress Syndrome” is also one of the reasons for the deterioration of relationships between family members. Last year, the epidemic in Europe and the United States was at its peak. Nearly 25% of people in the United States and Canada suffered from such symptoms, resulting in irritability, emotional instability, hate speech and other behaviors. People with severe symptoms may even have anxiety, depression or violent tendencies, which is why domestic violence or violent incidents have emerged in endlessly during the epidemic in various countries.

Reducing COVID-19 stress syndrome starts by turning off your phone and computer

Huang Xuan reminded that to get rid of the trauma caused by the new coronavirus stress syndrome, you can first get rid of the negative messages on the computer, TV and mobile phone, and maintain good interaction with your family, perhaps by sharing household chores, playing games together, or discussing each other The best thing of the day creates a virtuous cycle of communication. Huang Xuan believes that social distance and level three alert have restricted our movements, which may make us “isolated”, but we are by no means “lonely”. If you have emotional problems, you can still have a good talk with your family or friends. , no need to digest negative emotions by yourself. Unhappiness is contagious. If we are unhappy all day long, I believe our relatives and friends around us will not be happy either.

Now that the Indian Delta variant virus has entered the community, the epidemic in Taiwan is once again facing a difficult test. It is normal for people to feel panic and uneasiness at this time. What is important is how we digest these emotions and turn them into motivation to continue living. important. Many people “keep warm” in the online world during the epidemic as a solace from being unable to go out. After turning off their mobile phones and computers, they become more anxious and anxious. You might as well try to practice temporarily putting down 3C products and engage in activities such as sports, reading, meditation, cooking, etc. that you rarely have time for. When you take off the burden of the turmoil in the outside world and gain true inner peace, epidemic prevention will not seem so torturous.


“COVID Stress Syndrome”: Isolating the hearts of the world - Dr. Huang Xuan

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