Is epidemic panic fueling online bullying? Discriminatory remarks increased ninefold! Research: May affect personality development

Is epidemic panic fueling online bullying? Discriminatory remarks increased ninefold! Research: May affect personality development

“Bullying” behavior can be said to be common in all age groups. Children are prone to verbal bullying from peers. As teenagers, they may encounter physical or sexual bullying in school. After leaving society and entering the workplace, they may also be bullied in the workplace. . In the past more than a year, the world has been ravaged by the new coronavirus, and human life has undergone major changes. The field of bullying has also shifted. “Cyberbullying” has become more serious. In particular, panic has led to a surge in hate speech. We should How to prevent yourself and the children around you from being affected by online bullying? What kind of psychological trauma does social media cause to children?

The epidemic has caused cyberbullying to emerge in an endless stream, and parents should fulfill their supervision obligations

The American artificial intelligence company “L1ght” recently compiled reports from major news media and found that hate speech and online bullying increased sharply during the COVID-19 epidemic, including those targeting Chinese or Asian people on Twitter. The number of discriminatory remarks has increased ninefold, the traffic of hate speech websites has tripled, and the probability of children and teenagers becoming hostile to each other due to online chatting has increased by 70%.

The American anti-bullying website “Stomp Out Bullying” analyzed that there will be a surge in hate speech during the pandemic. This may be due to parents who are usually busy with housework or work and find it difficult to notice what their children are doing. In particular, children are going to school at home and on vacation, and have more free time. Online bullying has become a hobby for them to spend time. The stress and loneliness caused by home epidemic prevention may invisibly increase the occurrence of bullying behaviors. Over time, children may experience a decline in grades, changes in eating habits and work and rest, a decrease in self-esteem, and may even run away from home, self-mutilate, etc., which is undoubtedly a considerable obstacle to children’s personality development.

“Stop Bullying” believes that parents should always communicate with their children about daily life during the epidemic, strictly limit the time their children use 3C products, control their gaming or online time, and keep them in touch with their peers. . Most children and teenagers need the companionship and recognition of their peers, and difficult times during the epidemic are no exception. It is also a good way for teenagers to maintain normal communication through remote video calls.

Children and adults alike need to de-stress and not be overwhelmed by hate speech.

Likewise, as an adult, it’s inevitable to experience anxiety during the pandemic, so the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that during the pandemic, if hate speech online makes you For anxiety, you can eliminate negative emotions through body stretching or meditation; in addition, regular exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, and getting enough sleep are very helpful in reducing stress, and can also help you get rid of bad habits in your life; adults have Alcoholism or smoking habits should also be given up as soon as possible during the epidemic. The most important thing is to maintain “connections” with others, such as chatting with friends through video, or staying in touch with your own faith organizations, such as churches, etc., to reduce the sense of isolation caused by the environment.

What parents fear most is that their children learn badly. During the epidemic, parents need to work hard to control their children’s behavior online and not allow hate speech to take advantage of them and cause psychological trauma to their children; and as adults, we are on social media Every comment you make may affect the values ​​and behavior of other children, so it is important to be careful with your words and actions. If the recent epidemic of the Delta variant virus in Taiwan or the lack of vaccination have made you and your children feel stressed, it is recommended that you turn off your mobile phone and TV and have a friendly chat with your relatives and friends. Don’t let the epidemic and hate speech on the Internet It completely crushed you.


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