During the epidemic, Mother Soup "runs away"! Doctor: Wearing a mask to exercise may cause hypoxia risk

During the epidemic, Mother Soup "runs away"! Doctor: Wearing a mask to exercise may cause hypoxia risk

In response to the easing of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Epidemic Command Center announced that the epidemic prevention alert will be lowered to Level 2. However, according to the law, Level 2 alert still requires wearing a mask before going out. This has also caused many people with the habit of jogging to wear masks to prevent them from exercising during exercise. There is a risk of contracting the virus. However, a few days ago, it was reported in Kaohsiung that a 34-year-old man suddenly fainted and lost breathing and heartbeat while wearing a mask while running at night. Thanks to the rescue of medical staff, he saved his life. Many people think that it is caused by men exercising too strenuously or that they may have a history of cardiovascular disease. But is it really that simple? Intensivist expert Huang Xuan has a different answer!

Wearing masks during severe epidemic may lead to hypoxic crisis due to failure to prevent the epidemic

Huang Xuan used the example of a Kaohsiung man to analyze the potential risks caused by “wearing a mask exercise”. He first took Singapore as an example: The Sports Agency of Singapore recommends that people “do not do aerobic exercise such as fast running, jogging, cycling or yoga. “Wear a mask. The only times you can wear a mask when exercising outside are for walking and slow walking. It is safer to do other strenuous exercise at home. Why does Sports Singapore have such a warning?

Huang Xuan believes that as far as common medical masks are concerned, ordinary people are a little out of breath wearing masks during daily walks, let alone sports like running that require a large amount of oxygen to be absorbed into the body? Furthermore, masks will increase the resistance during inhalation and exhalation, increase the work of the lungs, and cause physical exertion to occur more quickly. In addition, the sweat produced during exercise and the saliva produced by panting will make the mask soaked. This not only makes the mask less protective, but the virus may also enter the mouth and nose along with the moisture, and the moisture will cause inhalation, Exhaling is more difficult, and exercising in this situation is actually quite dangerous.

You don’t have to worry about getting infected. You can easily practice aerobics at home.

Huang Xuan took another foreign study as an example: This study divided 16 young people into three categories: no masks, wearing medical masks, and wearing N95 masks, and asked them to do cycling exercises for 75 minutes. The results showed that those who wore N95 masks exhausted themselves the fastest, while those who did not wear masks could maintain their exercise time the longest. Studies have shown that a wet mask is equivalent to covering the mouth and nose with cloth, which is of course more likely to cause exhaustion during exercise; N95 masks are more likely to retain carbon dioxide in the mask and are completely unsuitable for use during exercise.

Huang Xuan reminded that wearing a mask to exercise itself has certain risks, and the risk is undoubtedly higher for patients with respiratory diseases or cardiovascular diseases. You must carefully evaluate your physical condition before deciding whether to go out for exercise. Otherwise, wearing a mask may Evading the police but not avoiding the harm to the body caused by lack of oxygen can be said to be more gain than loss.

Although it is still unclear why the Kaohsiung man passed out while jogging, according to Dr. Huang Xuan, wearing a mask is likely to be the main reason for the man’s physical exhaustion faster! In fact, exercising at home can also achieve the effect of exercising. Going out to exercise will not only expose yourself to the risk of diagnosis, but also wear a wet mask the whole time. I believe you will not feel too good. During the epidemic, the mountain does not turn around. You can also train your cardiopulmonary function at home through abdominal crunches, lunges, mountain climbers and other exercises. If you want to go out for a good run, you might as well endure it!


“Will wearing a mask during exercise kill people?” - Dr. Huang Xuan

Return to training in the COVID-19 era: The physiological effects of face masks during exercise

Advisory on Sport and Physical Exercise and Activities for the Control Period of 7 April 2020 to 4 May 2020

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